Ok things are worse. I've isolated the batteries so there is no power to the ignition or engine but it still won't stop running! The ignition lights work correctly with the key however.
In order to stop it I need to turn it off and stall it. No sign of burning oil thankfully.
This is a very important make sure you do things in order before jumping to.conclusions like ink pump.

Was the engine.running and while running you isolated the battery?
If yes don't do it again! You will damage the alternator!!

If the engine was running the alternator feeds the ign circuit so.by pulling the battery proves nothing!!!

You NEED to.pull the white wire off the Ing pump this will take 30 secs!!

The outcome will prove what is at fault it may save you spending 600 quid on a recon ink pump for a simple wiring fault!

I suspect you have a perm live short to one of your many white ign lives. Or possibly a faulty pump. My money is on the wiring tho.

Take 30 sec tomorrow and pull the white wire off the pump if the engine stops then the Ing pump and stop solonoid is.working.and you.have a wiring fault which needs fixing as it can cause a fire and destroy your motor I cannot stress that enough.
When my harness came out the silly plastic.clips.it rubbed.through 2 layers of sheath and eventually the live had a direct short to the engine this caused a small fire that would have taken the whole vehicle. I always carried spammers for batt terminals in the seat box.and.the battery was disconnected asap and fire extinguisher put out the fire just!

There was no warning I suspect the offroad sections we laid out about a year before incident was a ccv section and seriously bumpy I hit my head on the roof of .the 90 so many times that weekend in 2 low range tickover I suspect the harness clips failed as they were old and gone harr. I think the harness then dropped down and wore through over time.
Dont worry too much should be ok just pull the wire
If you have an extra minute when the wire is off test for voltage ign on should get battery voltage, ign off keys in pocket you should read no voltage open circuit.

If you get a voltage when keys are in your pocket you most defo have a short.

The whole isolated battery thing some so called mechanic locally couldn't wire up an fia cut out switch he had it twice and both times he expected the isolated battery to stop the engine it doesn't work like that then he wired it so the engine cut but left nowhere for the excess voltage produced by the alt while the engine is shutting down to go so left the paying customer with a motor that could potentially damage the alt at each cut off.

Sometimes makes me wonder what these local jokers calling theselves mechanics actually know cos on several occasions they have made some very basic mistakes for people in the trade so it makes me wonder what else they blag!!
Checked the solenoid and the wiring seems fine must just needs the solenoid replaced. Will get a new one tomorrow.
I haven't got any direct experience myself, but a lot of people will say that the solenoid gets jammed like that because of swarf shavings indicating that the injection pump is on its way out.

So look out for swarf shavings!

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