
Hi all,

I've noticed recently there is a strange burning smell when I get out of the car more recently another electrical smell. I didn't think too much of it but today after a fair amount of slow driving the car wouldn't change into 4th. No dash messages/error codes. I tried to change manually but no joy, i had to get home with a limp.

I've read people talking about the Rad/oil cooler needing to be replaced. I need to take it into the garage but what's the best thing to say to them. They won't be able to experience the problem first hand as it seems to take the Transmission getting hot for it to kick in.

Any good plans of attack?
Certainly sounds like it has gone into its overheat program.....

The gearbox will hold the lower gears and prevent selection of the higher gears, even in manual mode, this is to force as much fluid through the cooler as possible in an effort to lower the fluid temperature.

It can be caused by poor flow through the rad due to silting up, this can then block the oil cooler too. Similarly, depending on the age of your box and fluid, debris can build up internal to the cooler and block it preventing cooling.

First thing would be to remove the cooler and flush it through to ensure it is A) Clean and B) clear of bloackages. Then do a gearbox fluid change, as when it goes into its overheat operation, it is pretty much certain the fluid has been cooked....when fluid gets hot it is next to useless as a hyudraulic fluid and loses all its properties that protect the box.

Ensure you change the filter when you do the fluid and only use a genuine filter (Filtran).

If yours is a diesel GM box or a Petrol ZF box you didn't say, but the GM box on the early L322's are prone to going bang and a fluid overheat is not going to do the box any favours!

Next would be to check the cooling system radiator for full and free flow, and no blockages. Then flush the cooling system through and refill.

So, if you are getting a garage to do it, get them to do a fluid and filter change, ask them for a sample of the old fluid and check it for metallic debris, as this could be a sign of a rebuild is due (common on the early L322 boxes I am afraid).

Fingers crossed yours isn't too bad, and could just do with a fluid, filter and cooler flush out....

How long did you drive it in this mode?
Thanks for the long, informative response. I've got the BMW V8. I drove it for about 15 miles in that mode. It was also giving off a weird whistling sound too. :( any thoughts on that?
15 miles is not overly excessive....

Was the whistling noise dependant on road speed or engine speed?
It was weird, first it was a whistle, then a whine noise. In my head I thought Vanos... but who knows.

I've just taken it in to the garage, going to get them to give it a look over. Told them to do the Trans fluid and filter as par of course and investigate the oil cooler and Rad.
Could be the gearbox oil pump cavetating, or the PAS pump cavetating....

Check the PAS fluid level, and top up as necessary....

Also, if it was the GB pump due to low fluid level, see if it continues once they have done the fluid and filter change.
Is it reluctant to change from any other gear ?

When was the fluid last changed ?

Does it change into fourth at any rev at all ?
So I took it in and the guy reckons the gearbox has gone... Im not sure if he totally knows what he's talking about. But suffice to say, if it had, any recommendations for people who can pull out and fit a recon one?

Also, another new problem has come up, its hard to start when warm. You hear it try and ignite and eventually it does. Is this a separate issue or related??

At this point, is it worth doing? Spending 2K. I only got the thing for 4.5K... What would you do? How much could I get for it with a Gammy Transmission.
Cheers guys.
Sayers near Heathrow have a pretty good reputation (no affiliation).

I would get a second opinion, yours would appear to have gone into its Overheat Program I would say (as I said above) first thing would be to drain the fluid, fit a new filter, flush or fit a new oil cooler, refill to the right level and see where your at.

Do some research on her eand also on the wider WWW for a member called Bemble (on here) or RRPhil (as he is known on other forums).....he is a L322 ZF box genius and rebuilds them.

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