Really? Didn't know that!

Does the gearstick wobble thru tyres?

Tyres can set up a vibration thru the entire car! At different speeds it can show up as different vibrations as the harmonic frequency changes! Freelanders suffer with tyres going out of shape, Goodyear wranglers are particularly prone to it! It's the basics that need ruling out before going down more in depth routes! And yes it can make your gear stick vibrate as can many other things! If I was to drive it I could probably give you a pretty good idea what it is within minutes (not always) but on here we rely on info given, so start with the basics, check your tyres!

I'd put money on it being one of the drive shaft CV joints. Just replaced an offside one on a freelander with similiar symptoms, now drives perfect.
Thanks for the replies guys...

Diesel Do... sorry if I've been confusing.

I've now had the wheels checked and they're all fine.

In summary...

- The wobble can be felt through the whole car, but is really acute through the gearstick.
- It does not make the steering wheel oscillate, like an unbalanced wheel does.
- It is speed dependant, but almost disappears when the clutch is depressed or it coasting in neutral.
- It is far worse when going round a right hand bend (at speed) than a left hand bend (i.e. is worse when the weight is on the passenger side of the car).
-It is worse when accelerating hard, or decelerating using the engine.
- It doesn't happen when doing low-speed full-lock turns in either direction (like an outer CV joint does)
- There is still no associated crunching or grinding noise with it.

Will dig out the Haynes manual and try to check the engine/gearbox mounts as soon as I get chance.
Its just a well known cause of wobble/vibration. Sometimes you can wobble the joint up and down, but not always. The one we changed felt ok when fitted, but when we took it apart all the needles had drop out one of the balls on the CV joint. Try pulling all 4 up and down (inner and outer), see if there is more play in one than another. You can get new drivesshafts for £36 off ebay so not to expensive to just try. Shame its a TD4 as the driveshafts arent the same N/S and O/S like the older diesels and K series.
Thanks for the replies guys...

Diesel Do... sorry if I've been confusing.

I've now had the wheels checked and they're all fine.

In summary...

- The wobble can be felt through the whole car, but is really acute through the gearstick.
- It does not make the steering wheel oscillate, like an unbalanced wheel does.
- It is speed dependant, but almost disappears when the clutch is depressed or it coasting in neutral.
- It is far worse when going round a right hand bend (at speed) than a left hand bend (i.e. is worse when the weight is on the passenger side of the car).
-It is worse when accelerating hard, or decelerating using the engine.
- It doesn't happen when doing low-speed full-lock turns in either direction (like an outer CV joint does)
- There is still no associated crunching or grinding noise with it.

Will dig out the Haynes manual and try to check the engine/gearbox mounts as soon as I get chance.

That really does sound like a driveshaft, only doing it when underload. As you say its worse on RH bends i'll have a guess its the inner O/S, but dont hold me to that ;)

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