
Well-Known Member
Off to Germany in the Landy for new year. Hope it goes better than yesterday fours waiting for then 4.5 hours in an AA truck...unreliable Japanese ****e!
Good luck mate.

I'll be down in Hebden early in the new year, if I bring the Landy down we might even arrange to raise a glass or three in the Lion ... Yeah I know, parking's ****e, but I could always abandon her just on the bend at the bottom of Keighly Road! :D:D:D
We got here ok...only problems were the windscreen squirters broke and some nobhead forgot to open the rad muff leading to a bit of overheating but nowt serious. 70-75mph all the way.

I'll be back on the 6th or 7th if youre around after then give me a shout....always up for a beer!
Now where to find a.washer pump and new wrong mirror in germany...wonder what the word for windscreen washer pump is...

got some proper funny looks in the underground carpark. About 1/4" clearance to sprinkler system and a lot of clattering and jangling cos I couldn't be arsed folding down the cb park attendant looked like she was gonna **** a brick!
Not got a pump yet. bloody brake lights stopped working this morning and nearly collected an audi as a bumper sticker! Had to dismantle switch and glue it back together.... doubt it'll last.

Am in Beilefeld, might have to drive round to the army camp and see if they can find me a "spare" pump! Otherwise I'm guessing just about any pump will do doesn't look overly complicated!

not many places open today so got some beer and fireworks instead...

Happy new year tio you all

Sunny Bielefeld!

Treat yourself. I have had many a good drunken evening there.

I know an absolutely amazing mechanic in Paderbourne, approx 30 mins away from your location, he is a German Civi. I could put you onto him if you get propa stuck. It would cost you a couple of quid and a crate of beer. In fact he works for one of the REME workshops. He has a couple of old timer masseratis.

Try this link for your local ATU. I would go for
cheers lads, found a washer pump...still not got a wing mirror yet but will probably just swap drivers side one over....either that or just pull out in front of all the nob heads doing 140 in their audis...
Trust me they are doing way more than 140!!!!!

I have been doing an official 160 in my ALPINA and folk hammer past me like I'm doing 30!

Last year I got a £320 on the spot speeding fine in Hamburg on a Friday afternoon. Then Monday morning I was off to work doing 160! I love Germany!

I only hope I can really use my old girl for what she was designed for when and if I ever get her over to hamburg!!!
Oh **** I just remembered, I have a spare wing mirror lense, I could post it over?

Or my Mrs could post it direct if you are over there for another week as my Mrs lands in uk on Tuesday then flys back on Thursday. You might have it by Friday or Saturday?

If not hang about McDonald's and nick one off one of those green trucks that often pull up outside, if you know what I mean?!
Cheers for the offer, back in Yorkshire now.

Managed to swap the mirrors over - much better.

Back to work tomorrow!


I did think about "borrowing" a mirror bur everything these days seems to be too difficult to dismantle. Plus all the local REME lads my mates knew were on leave...

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