
New Member
Hey guys,
You might have seen my other thread, " my first ever land rover, series 3 88"
I bought a brand new loom from auto sparks, put it in landy.
It starts fine, and runs.
It just keeps blowing a fuse though, as soon as I turn the key as far as pos 2, it blows fuse between 5 & 6.
I have checked as much as i can but can not see anything obvious.
The dark green wires that feed the voltage regulator, and the light green that come out have continuity to earth.
also the +and- from coil have continuity to earth.
There could be more with continuity to earth, but I was getting cross, so didne check them all..

Any ideas appreciated
The coil shouldn't be connected across 5&6, only a wire taken from the ignition switch to [pin 5] side of the fuse.

Has this been happening all the time, or recently occurred after driving along the road.

If a, and has happened from the word go, u haven't connected one of the sub-systems from the [6 side] of the fuse correctly.

If b, i wire has rubbed, or melted away the insulation and shorting out to earth.

Hope this helps
sussed out the fuse problem, at the time I didnt link fuse 5-7.
I still though dont have wipers, heater, indicators, but i do have lights,
I have wired the ignition switch different to the diagram, I found if i did it like the diagram it cut supply to the coil on switch position 2, fine on 3, but when released it just cuts it..

any ideas gratefull..
hmm.... strange. Did u edit a wiring diagram for how u have done your circuit, or just connect stuff unitl it worked. ?
Are u using a orginal lucus switch or a non genuine brand.

If a. Try turning the wipers/indicators etc when ignition switch is on each position. If no success.
[or b] Get the old multimeter out find out where your wires go. :)
I have wired the ignition switch different to the diagram, I found if i did it like the diagram it cut supply to the coil on switch position 2, fine on 3, but when released it just cuts it..

any ideas gratefull..
suspect ignition barrel?
I bought another ignition barrel because i thought it could be the barrel.
But still the same proble.
I will admit that electrics are not my forte, and yes, i just swapped the wires around on ignition until it worked.
i just swapped the wires around on ignition until it worked.
suggest you get someone who knows summat bout electrics before you have an accident!
the manual gives the switching pattern for the terminals, use a multimeter to check your ignition contacts.
if you struggle with this, its a bit like getting me to sort my own accounts out.
fuse 3 term 5 &6 feeds the wipers and indicators fuse 4 terminal 7(linked to terminal 5) & 8 fuel &temp gauges voltage stabilizer

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