
Active Member
Feeling a bit stupid (I hear you asking, Is that unusual?)...

Shopped around and got myself a pair of VDO gauges: tacho & water temp. After talking with one vendor that explained their gauges included all the necessary wiring, I assumed it was standard practice, so I went with a cheaper option (Merlin Motorsport).

I was disappointed when I had no way to wire in the rev counter. So that's the first question: where do I get the right set of wires for it?

Second question: the VDO gauges have slightly different connectors on the back than the original parts. Maplin is the only place that comes to mind for wiring bits - anyone have other suggestions? (Edit: I'm not a UK-native, so I don't know which shops have such things!)

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In case someone eventually finds this useful...

I did end up finding a workable adaptor at Maplin, like so. I also got what I hope is enough wire to fashion 5 short connectors. I'l have to take apart the stock wiring for the bulb since the VDO light has it's own light + socket that are different enough not to be a straight swap.

If all goes well, I'll get more of the wire and fashion another long connector for the rev counter. Maybe the Mrs. will let me get a soldering iron... :D
I haven't done it yet, but I'm told (by many sources - perhaps someone can clarify) it's just a matter of running a wire to a lead on the coil. I've got an old V8, so perhaps it would be different on a diesel - I'm not sure.

(Edit: Just re-read and can't tell if you were trolling me for making a dumb post... )
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I think he was thinking diesel..? I think you can wire rev contours on diesels but it is taken from the alternator!??
yes you take a feed off the alternator. It is commonly known as the 'W' post.

Petrols are obviously easier.

With regards to water temp, make sure you have the correct sender unit installed in your engine for that gauge. VDO have a plethora of senders and you need to match the correct one up.

Thanks Griff - I've got a VDO sender sitting here on my desk that should be a good fit. Since I just put in a new genuine sender (as part of the long-running troubleshooting) I was going to try the new gauge with the existing sender just to see what happens.

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