
Well-Known Member
I was planning on wiring in a cigarette lighter socket to my Series 3 Diesel.

It won't actually be used for a cigarette lighter, but mainly to power a sat nav, so shouldn't draw too much current.

Where in the wiring would I be best to take the power from? I was thinking straight from one of the spade connectors on the fuze box on the steering column. I was also planning to fit an inline fuze into the wiring before the plug socket.

Thanks for any replies.
I would go from the ignition switch or for a quick job some banana plugs into the red/black power sockets on the dash.
I just ran a couple of wires straight from the battery then use one of those bestek multi sockets with a couple of usb ports that has an on off switch, I thinik they are fused too.

might get round to wiring it in as an ignition live one day
some banana plugs into the red/black power sockets on the dash

Mine has been wired into the back of the red/ black power sockets on the dash and has a seperate in line fuse in the power feed to the socket.
I know no one has said they will do it BUT a quick reminder to others who may want to, IF you fit one of those multisocket things with USB sockets included make sure you wire it to a switched live and not a permanent live otherwise you will have flat battery issues. The USB sockets are essentially a step down transformer and pull current all the time.......just a thought and don't ask me how I know.....
the bestek one I have has an on off switch so its fine as long as you remember to turn it off of course :D

but I do agree an ignition on live would be better, although with a permanent live I can pull out the multi-socket from the single socket to use a solar charger
Thanks for the replies.

I might just take it straight off the battery. Draining when not in use shouldn't be a problem as I disconnect the battery when the vehicle is standing anyway. This is easily done as I have a wing-nut terminal fitted.

Is there no risk of the alternator feeding any unwanted voltages through the plug when charging? Obviously series wiring was never designed with modern electronic gadgets in mind.
My old sat nav doesn't hold its charge and needs to be permanently wired. The ciggy socket is already permanently wired on which is handy for this use. The same may be useful if you wish to leave your cams on whilst parked up somewhere so you can lock up and leave them on.

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