
New Member
hi does anyone have a wiring diagram from the becm to the obd as i have a connection issue and need to find the problem and it would be easier with a wiring diagram many thanks
ive got rave but im crap at reading their diagrams i was hoping someone else ahs had the same problem and got diagrams or can tell me which colour wires ive got to trace
ive got rave but im crap at reading their diagrams i was hoping someone else ahs had the same problem and got diagrams or can tell me which colour wires ive got to trace

Learn the bloke you want to explain it to you had to. All the colour codes are listed.
i was just hoping someone could say its eg the red wire and i could put my multimeter on the becm and the other on the obd to see if i had a connection, if it was only that easy
i was just hoping someone could say its eg the red wire and i could put my multimeter on the becm and the other on the obd to see if i had a connection, if it was only that easy

Pin 8 of connector C1279 99 on C255 prior. Pink/red to pin 7 of C0040 99 on, C231 prior. Pin 17 of C1279 99 on, C255 prior. Light Green/red to pin 15 C0040 99 on, C231 prior.

C1279/C255 are connector to BECM. C0040/C231 are OBDII connector.

BECM pin out and connector locations.

Hope this helps but learning yourself will make things easier for you.
ADAM, I told you wammers was a legend !!!!! oops I meant a leg end ????:D:D:D
anyway hes not far wrong !!!!!! persevere mate you WILL get there !!!! as I said process of elimination theres only so many wires in the loom locate whats going to ECU's THEN follow remaining to B.E.C.M and hopefully by which time your multimeter wuill show what line is fecke4d !!!!!! then repair then carry on then all sorted !!!!!!! legs , fingers , etc etc crossed ,,,, waiting with baited breath ,,, reghards mozz xxx
you are right mozz wammers is a legend and very helpfull which i am very appreciative of aswell as am i from your helping hand aswell mozz you pair really have helped thank you very just to get the beast running
Obd connection problems on old cars are usually the joints at the obd plug

so how easy is it to drop connector out so you can test both front and rear of each line on obd connector socket ,,, I presume its a line end running off the main loom to where its positioned ????? so logically thinking the whole bracket etc comes away so for access to do any soldering on rear of socket ????? so how to do it would be helpful !!!!!!! regards MOZZ

so how easy is it to drop connector out so you can test both front and rear of each line on obd connector socket ,,, I presume its a line end running off the main loom to where its positioned ????? so logically thinking the whole bracket etc comes away so for access to do any soldering on rear of socket ????? so how to do it would be helpful !!!!!!! regards MOZZ

Just remove the panel from below the glove box that the OBDII plug is in. Then you can get at the back of the connector. Maybe a couple of screws and a couple of push in plastic fasteners can't remember but not difficult to do.
Just remove the panel from below the glove box that the OBDII plug is in. Then you can get at the back of the connector. Maybe a couple of screws and a couple of push in plastic fasteners can't remember but not difficult to do.

Plastic covers when removed expose four large Philips screws:)
Ok remove plastic covers and remove phillips screws hows that. :D:D:D

I only know that off the top of my head because I dropped my socket when I was fitting my new'ish steering wheel and had to remove the one on the drivers side.:) and getting you back for the earth strap/ safety cable dig.:D:D
I only know that off the top of my head because I dropped my socket when I was fitting my new'ish steering wheel and had to remove the one on the drivers side.:) and getting you back for the earth strap/ safety cable dig.:D:D

Yeah but the OBDII socket is under the passenger side. I would not have a dig at you Alan mate. Honest i wouldn't. :D:D:D
History repeats especially on R R's. Now my second 2.5 DSE, first was a 96 RHD in Cardiff, sold to come to France in 2018, now my second RR, is a LHD RED 97, different issues. Currently the Nanocom (just bought) wont connect fully to the OBD, from past threads a common fault, probably rusty OBD, very awkward to get to, would have been better placed under the bonnet, any tips on how to get at it for either replacement or refresh. Did 4 fuses in trying to connect the Nanocom as there is no switch, and unplugging on the Nanocom it self from the cable blows the number 33 fuse. Lesson; Always keep the Nanocom cable plugged in! I'm thinking of running an extension cable into the glovebox for ease of access as my guess is I'll need lots of access to it over the coming years. Over the last year spent 4000Euros on various bits and pieces, bought it for 2300euros in Niort 2019, mostly Gboxauto changed and other things, but must get the OBD working. The Turner diagnostics replacement ECU runs very well much improved performance. LOVELY NEW NANOCOM not much use without a functioning OBD ****

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