
Active Member
Hi does anyone know how to stop the wipers from going too on the drivers side passenger side is fine but the drivers side can vary from slapping the bulkhead to going past the windscreen seal I've tried replacing the wheel boxes and the cable is like new, I bought a new set of wipers and they are both the same length. Just wondered if anyone else gets this problem ?
yep, mine does the same,,
just learnt to live with it.. how far over it goes depends on how much its raining,, more lube/ rain, allows it to travels further i guess
Mine does the same. Thought I had a sensor as well which increased the speed of wiper the heavier the rain gets......Obviously since found its more than likely a short of some kind.
It's when they drop off you need to worry
Could be wear in the wheel boxes allowing the blade to go further than it should when well lubricated.
Is the sweep a lot smaller when the screen is dry?
Also make sure your wipers are sitting well on the axle. There's a little screwthingy (can't remember the correct name) on the wiper that locks it to the axle and mine tends to come loose. It's easy to check, wiggle your wiper up and down and see if the axle moves the same amount. If not, unscrew the tiny screw, make sure the (allen) head is OK, and then screw it back in again, giving it a good nip.
Had this happening just last weekend. Grub screw got loose and the plastic thingy which keeps the wiper arm on the axle was a little bit worn... Almost lost the wiper...
My wipers do this, but they just clip on I can't see any grub screw.

They started doing it since I removed them when replacing the bulkhead to windscreen seal.
My wipers do this, but they just clip on I can't see any grub screw.

They started doing it since I removed them when replacing the bulkhead to windscreen seal.

The wiper spindle is only about 6mm and is a D shape. There is a small metal adapter that pushes onto the spindle and is attached by a grub screw then the wiper pushes onto that.
The spline adaptor is held in place by a grub screw which locates into a dimple on the shaft.

If need be, drill the old screw out and replace it with either a self-tapper or, if you can re-thread it, an M4 or M5 screw.

Remember that the flat on the shaft locates the flat through the adaptor.

Don't go for the cheapest replacement spindle adaptors, as many of them are made of a soft alloy, and the thread is easily stripped ... and you have to buy new ones!

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