
New Member
My wipers were stopping in different places all the time so i put a new park switch on and it seemed to sort it out for a bit but wipers never seemed to have full range of movement now started to have more range but going to bottom windscreen rubber to side bagging across after a couple of weeks any thoughts :(
Yes I agree - get a couple of new arms and blades (goon spoil yourself) and refit them with nylocks - as you fit them the softer metal on the arm will cut into the spindle and you should get the full range of movement back but don't over tighten then or the arm will split (as design feature) or try and reposition them as you will lose the cut groves you have made in the first fitting.
No there not going to move different at the same time or on the same movement are they can it be the motor when the movement is to sort they don't even cross in the middle then it will just be to much movement can change daily driving me made don't wont to change the motor if i can help it .......
No there not going to move different at the same time or on the same movement are they can it be the motor when the movement is to sort they don't even cross in the middle then it will just be to much movement can change daily driving me made don't wont to change the motor if i can help it .......

Sorry... I don't:doh: understand a word of that!

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