
Hi Guys

I had a wiper box start weeping rust down my bulk head and then it started to behave oddly, only wiping half way etc.

So I bit the bullet and pulled the dash off, its a 2014 puma so nice and awkward.

I've replaced both wheel boxes and the wire/cable that drives them.

I've put the wipers back on and it now wipes the screen but on the return gets stuck in exaclty the same spot. There is clicking from the motor, the motor is still turning, you can see the motor turning but no movement of the wipers.

Is this new motor terriorty? when i opened the wiper motor to get to the cable it looked a bit rusty but not too bad, i wiped it out and re greased.....
right chaps i did some more digging and the crank gear is dead/missing teeth at one part of it, a new crank gear has been ordered and I'll get it changed out this week coming.

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