
New Member
I've recently bought a j reg 200tdi there are 101 little problems to fix before I can mot it. The main one being that the wiper motor is blowing fuses. I have stripped, cleaned and greased everything to no avail. I resorted to removing wiper motor and running it without being attached to cable. It runs fine on intermediat setting and on slow but as soon as I put the stalk to fast the motor struggles and doesn't speed up. As I said if I connect cable back up and switch to fast it instantly blows the fuse.
Any help would be great thanks
Mine does that but it's something I've never got round to sorting. I assumed it was the stalk.

As for the MOT I thought the wipers just had to perform a full sweep of the window, shouldn't matter about the speed settings. Or is it one of those things where if it's there it has to work?
The problem is if i put the stalk to fast it blows the fuse so really needs sorting. I have disconnected the wiper rack from the motor and when I put the stalk to fast the motor struggles but doesn't blow fuse. This has eliminated the wiper rack being at fault so it must be the motor or stalk. The wiper works fine on intermittent or slow
Have you got the correct fuse rating? If so it sounds like you have an electrical short if you keep blowing fuses.
Hi yes correct fuse and they work fine on slow or intermittent but the fuse was blowing on fast setting. I've stripped and greased everything and now it works fine on slow intermittent but really struggle on fast :( think the motors kaput

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