
New Member
hey guys,

slapped the wipers on last night to rid the infestation of flying ants here in Bristol and instead of going up, they went down and jammed. tried again and they stoped (blown fuse).

changed the fuse but now they dont work :mad: they make a small movement and then grind/click. if i use gentle hand pressure i can get them to cover the full window (something they couldnt do on their own before this happened).

does this sound like the motor? or is it more likely to be the linkages or something :cool:.

help as always, much appreciated.

The motor is located behind the dash on the passenger side at knee level, you'll have to remove the corner section below the grab handle.

Disconnect the linkage spindle from the motor and replace the fuse and see if the motor turns. If it does the it sounds as though the linkage needs some lubricating, although it doesn't explain why the wipers went the wrong way :confused:

If you don't fancy taking apart the dash, take off the wiper arms from the spindles and replace the fuse, the spindles should then turn freely without the wiper arms stopping them.
yer, i replaced the fuse, the spindles do turn on their own, but the system seems "weak". i guess i might replace the motor and linkage box together... they wernt wiping properly before this happened anyway, so its a kick up the arse to do something about it. i was just wondering if there was anyway of testing either part to see which one was toasted.

cheers rob
You'd better hope its the wiper motor because replacing the worm drive and spindles is a horrible job, all the top shelf of the dash has to come out and usually involves a small amount of swearing when getting the spindles out.

Good luck
yer i read that in the (G)hayes manual... hope its the motor too :mad: bloody thing!

no doubt, more questions for my 90 coming shortly. (or in aug, cos im off to croatia!)

cheery bye. cheers rob.


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