Certainly not. I have just opened up the topic to see about winter tyres. But hey! I got to know all about the second world war instead. It is great realy...
These people are certainly know about it all....
ok Andras. chains from halfords as MHM already replied in your thread or else, as you've just learned in this one, (ahem) buy nokian tyres.

(anyone would think I had shares in it. I don't. Dammit! :p )
Yeah i know mate possibly being a bit harsh. But a lot of the countries we now deal with in the common market (sorry) United states of Europe as it is now becoming. Fought against us in the war. The common market as it was started life as a French benevolent fund and to a large extent still is. One fifth of the entire European agricultural subsity budget is distributed in France. Europe is now controlled by them and Germany, something the Germans tried by force and failed to manage by now do by stealth. It makes you wonder sometimes just who actually won that particular war. We beat Napolean so the frogs could not tell us what to do. We beat the Germans so they could not rule us. (Twice) But now between them they do. Did not do much good all that British blood flowing did it?

Absolutely right:D Shame about what has happened to the UK since the last war, but thats why I live in France. My income tax this year is 4.3%:p Can't afford to live in the UK, but at least I've made room for another immigrant:rolleyes:
Absolutely right:D Shame about what has happened to the UK since the last war, but thats why I live in France. My income tax this year is 4.3%:p Can't afford to live in the UK, but at least I've made room for another immigrant:rolleyes:

Yeah bad scene here and set to get worse. Anyway back to basics. Changed my glow plugs last week and noticed that my spill pipes (silicone) had swelled slightly. They have been on for over a year. I have never know diesel to affect silicone in this way. I know silicone does not like unleaded petrol because of the additives in it. But it would appear the **** they are putting in diesel is having the same, but to a much lesser extent effect. Whilst there was no leak and the pipe was still tight on the nipples i have changed them as a precaution for spill pipe available from Partco at £3.00 a metre. Two metres is needed to replace all pipes back to the pump as one is just that bit short. Just a bit of info and something to watch.

Incidentaly how much is diesel over in France?
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Varies day to day according to barrel price and exchange rate, filled the Transit Thursday at €1.09 a litre and the P38 on Friday at €1.139. Exchange rate is €1.14 to£1 so between £0.956 and £1 per litre. Got to keep them all topped up because of the strikes against the governments attempts to raise the retirement age. Shame Brits aren't out on the streets over the same thing. Retirement here is 60 and the governement want to raise it to 62.
Varies day to day according to barrel price and exchange rate, filled the Transit Thursday at €1.09 a litre and the P38 on Friday at €1.139. Exchange rate is €1.14 to£1 so between £0.956 and £1 per litre. Got to keep them all topped up because of the strikes against the governments attempts to raise the retirement age. Shame Brits aren't out on the streets over the same thing. Retirement here is 60 and the governement want to raise it to 62.

Our government seem to have work til you drop agenda. All well and good if you work in an office til your seventy. But not everybody works in an office. There are a lot of very skilled manual jobs people struggle with at 55 never mind the now retirement age of 65. We could possibly afford everything we need if billions of pounds was not being shipped out of the country every year by immigrants and migrant workers who claim for dependants abroad. And of course if we did not give hand outs to bongo bongo land presidents to buy tanks and fighter jets and let the people it is intended to help starve. There needs to be a big rethink by government here before there is a blood bath, it will come, the British people tend to take any **** the government hands out but it has to change. It's considered racist to criticise a council who rented a £2,000,000 house from a private landlord to house an Afgan asylum seeker with eight kids, plus giving her spending money and child allowance. They even bought her a 50" tele. You could not make it up. In Preston where i live a few years ago a family of Irish tinkers with twelve kids who decided they no longer wanted to live in a caravan were put up in an hotel whilst the council knocked two houses together to accomodate them. It is unbelievable what goes on in this country. It simply just has to stop.
Our government seem to have work til you drop agenda. All well and good if you work in an office til your seventy. But not everybody works in an office. There are a lot of very skilled manual jobs people struggle with at 55 never mind the now retirement age of 65. We could possibly afford everything we need if billions of pounds was not being shipped out of the country every year by immigrants and migrant workers who claim for dependants abroad. And of course if we did not give hand outs to bongo bongo land presidents to buy tanks and fighter jets and let the people it is intended to help starve. There needs to be a big rethink by government here before there is a blood bath, it will come, the British people tend to take any **** the government hands out but it has to change. It's considered racist to criticise a council who rented a £2,000,000 house from a private landlord to house an Afgan asylum seeker with eight kids, plus giving her spending money and child allowance. They even bought her a 50" tele. You could not make it up. In Preston where i live a few years ago a family of Irish tinkers with twelve kids who decided they no longer wanted to live in a caravan were put up in an hotel whilst the council knocked two houses together to accomodate them. It is unbelievable what goes on in this country. It simply just has to stop.

There are thousands of people who think the same as you (and me) trouble is no one is prepared to do anything about it, no demo's no marches. Nearest the UK came to a proper protest was the fuel protest. As you say eventually there will be an uprising as there has been in the past. Can't come too soon.
There are thousands of people who think the same as you (and me) trouble is no one is prepared to do anything about it, no demo's no marches. Nearest the UK came to a proper protest was the fuel protest. As you say eventually there will be an uprising as there has been in the past. Can't come too soon.

It's actually illegal to protest in England these days any convoy of more than five cars for instance can be stopped by the police and searched or detained or prevented from going to any destination. Unless you inform the police before hand any gathering or march is illegal. Big brother rules. I came back from Scotland a couple of weeks ago as you enter England there is a sign, Welcome to England (Cumbria) thirty yards further on there is a bridge with about thirty cameras on it. Georage Orwell would be proud of them.
It's actually illegal to protest in England these days any convoy of more than five cars for instance can be stopped by the police and searched or detained or prevented from going to any destination. Unless you inform the police before hand any gathering or march is illegal. Big brother rules. I came back from Scotland a couple of weeks ago as you enter England there is a sign, Welcome to England (Cumbria) thirty yards further on there is a bridge with about thirty cameras on it. Georage Orwell would be proud of them.

France has it's faults but it's a good place to live, shame about the language tho:rolleyes:

As Sarko said, the French are a difficult people to rule when the times are good and bloody impossible when the times are bad:D
Just getting back for a sec to the original topic of WINTER TYRES, I've used Vredestein Wintrac Extremes this past winter on the X5 and they are fantastic - they convert the X5 into a "real" 4x4 (well on the roads anyway!) and are highly rated - so much so that no-one has any stock left in 17"s or 18"s at present - Tyremen are main dealer stockists for Vredestein and are completely sold out and Camskills haven't had stock since last winter. There is a 255/55R18 size which fits straight onto Rangie 18" rims. Also well regarded are Avon winter tyres and of course Pirelli Snow and Ice and the Conti versions, although massively overpriced! I never found the need for winter tyres on the Rangie though, she managed well in all conditions with Pirelli ST/R and Zeros for the past 6 years of ownership!!
Living out in Poland we have snow from any time now through to April. I have BFG Long Trail on the RRC and General Grabber AT2 on the Disco. Never had a problem with either of them in either snow or ice over the last 8 years or so.
I use exactly the same tyres winter and summer and have no problems at all. Mind you the snow we had last year around here was the first decent fall we have had since 1986. It was quite funny watching drivers who had never seen that much snow on a road trying to make progress. An couple of inchs of snow brought traffic to a standstill more about bad driving technique than anything else. This coupled to the abismal efforts at gritting which was none existant in some areas.
Good winter tyres will be good on fresh and slushy snow, but if trying to drive on hard packed snow that`s already been "polished up" by other traffic then studs or chains will really make a big difference. I`ve seen £60 pair chains advertised on the inter-web but haven`t a clue about their quality. May be ok for the few occasions likely to be used.
Might be a good "insurance policy" for anyone living in the sticks and worried the local council`s run out of funds to buy salt?
Be aware of how to fit them safely so as not to damage brake hoses, alloy wheels and bodywork tho` and don`t use on tarmac for long. They`re not an easy option but do work well in extremis.
Just watch this clip.....Will see the difference.

[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGfvyPtYR0Y"]YouTube - Tire Rack Tire Test - All-Season vs. Winter Tires[/nomedia]

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