i used to have a poxy morris ital years ago.. renowned for bein crap in the snow..
i used to drive through queensbury to bradford to get to work..
i used to wait til everyone stopped sliding about and then drive round them.. got stuck once, when an idiot tried to set off again in front of me.. got out let the back tyres down a bit, drove off and pumped em up again at the top of the hill...
it was hilarious... lookin at the the idiots tryin to copy... settin off with flat tyres and runnin on their rims..
Well i dont have winter tyres for the disco yet as ive only had this one a week.
But i do have them fitted on my company car which I do around a 1000 miles a week.
They are fantastic the grip is superb and under braking they are fantastic.
I would recommend them yo anyone.

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