On or around Fri, 27 Oct 2006 19:37:10 +1000, Duracell Bunny
<karen_oz@hotmail.com> enlightened us thusly:

>EMB wrote:
>> Duracell Bunny wrote:
>>> Well, the point EMB made is valid after all, solders to join most
>>> metals have been on sale in the likes of Tandy for a very long time.
>>> Nowhere near as resilient as welding, only good for temporary repairs
>>> or ornamental stuff in most cases.

>> Thanks babe - I should have guessed you'd be along to support me in due
>> course. :)

>As usual, kind Sir, I'm flattered :)
>We colonials must stick together.

Or solder...
Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.net my opinions are just that
"I am tired and sick of war. Its glory is all moonshine... War is hell"
Gen. Sherman (1820-1891) Attr. words in Address at Michigan Military
Academy, 19 June 1879.
On or around Fri, 27 Oct 2006 13:31:24 +0100, "Oily"
<martinhill100@nospambtconnect.com> enlightened us thusly:

>"EMB" <embtwo@gmail.com> wrote in message
>> Oily wrote:
>> > Now how does the OP come up with a silly question like that and then

>> > all the technical crap?

>> I guess he did this... http://tinyurl.com/2rfwr

>I like that. Your handiwork?

reminds me of another page...


the tinyurl is only there for dramatic effect.
Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.net my opinions are just that
"I am tired and sick of war. Its glory is all moonshine... War is hell"
Gen. Sherman (1820-1891) Attr. words in Address at Michigan Military
Academy, 19 June 1879.
Oily wrote:

> I like that. Your handiwork?

Unfortunately not.

Austin Shackles wrote:

> reminds me of another page...
> http://tinyurl.com/3mnj4
> the tinyurl is only there for dramatic effect.

I've set that as the homepage for a clueless manager at work - he has no
idea how to change it, and gets a daily reminder of just how useless he is.


"Austin Shackles" <austinNOSPAM@ddol-las.net> wrote in message
> On or around Fri, 27 Oct 2006 05:18:31 GMT, "Landy Man"
> <nospammers@mymailbox.com> enlightened us thusly:
>>> The magic word there is SOLDER - soldering is merely gluing 2 items
>>> together, welding is melting them and fusing their molecular structure
>>> together so they become one contiguous item.

>>I think the word here is PEDANTIC

> not really. Soldering is only ever as strong as the "glue". you can join
> steel, for example, by bronze welding, i.e. a fillet of bronze which is
> stuck to both of 2 bits of steel. However, it's only as strong as the
> bronze filler.
> Welding, properly done, can approach the same strength as the original
> material, although most often it isn't.
> You could stick alloy to steel with silicone sealer. The joint, however,
> wouldn't be one you'd want to trust your life to.
> --
> Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.net my opinions are just that
> "I am tired and sick of war. Its glory is all moonshine... War is hell"
> Gen. Sherman (1820-1891) Attr. words in Address at Michigan Military
> Academy, 19 June 1879.

OOh Austin now you'll get pilloried for not calling it brazing ;-). I reckon
the most effective ways to attach alloy to steel ( more usually titanium)
are the newish glues used by the likes of BAe the difficulty being getting
hold of them, mind you Austins hotmelt silicone is a dammed sight easier to
apply. IMO owt that is secure at Mach 2 is good enough for me even downhill
with a following wind.

(sorry for emailing it to you as well Austin)

On or around Sat, 28 Oct 2006 18:19:49 GMT, "Derek"
<del.wattsnospambaby@ntlworld.com> enlightened us thusly:

>OOh Austin now you'll get pilloried for not calling it brazing ;-).

I phrased it most carefully. I at least, and by the sound of it you, know
the difference.

>I reckon
>the most effective ways to attach alloy to steel ( more usually titanium)
>are the newish glues used by the likes of BAe the difficulty being getting
>hold of them, mind you Austins hotmelt silicone is a dammed sight easier to
>apply. IMO owt that is secure at Mach 2 is good enough for me even downhill
>with a following wind.
>(sorry for emailing it to you as well Austin)

did you? ah, it'll be in the spamtrap account, probably.
Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.net my opinions are just that
Beyond the horizon of the place we lived when we were young / In a world
of magnets and miracles / Our thoughts strayed constantly and without
boundary / The ringing of the Division bell had begun. Pink Floyd (1994)
EMB wrote:

|| Richard Brookman wrote:
||| This sort of stuff belongs in alt.mutual.appreciation.society, not
||| here :)
|| Do I detect an air of jealousy? :)
|| --
|| EMB

No, I like it when people are nice to each other. We should all do a lot
more of it.

And when people on *Usenet* are nice to each other, it really is a cause for
celebration :)


Take out the obvious to email me.

On Fri, 27 Oct 2006 14:03:45 +0100, Austin Shackles
<austinNOSPAM@ddol-las.net> scribbled the following nonsense:

>On or around Fri, 27 Oct 2006 13:31:24 +0100, "Oily"
><martinhill100@nospambtconnect.com> enlightened us thusly:
>>"EMB" <embtwo@gmail.com> wrote in message
>>> Oily wrote:
>>> > Now how does the OP come up with a silly question like that and then

>>> > all the technical crap?
>>> I guess he did this... http://tinyurl.com/2rfwr

>>I like that. Your handiwork?

>reminds me of another page...
>the tinyurl is only there for dramatic effect.

yet another of Martyn's sites.....

Simon Isaacs

"Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote"
George Jean Nathan (1882-1955)

ROT13 me....

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