
New Member
Hi, i am new to this forum, so hope that I am not repeating any already posted questions. My wife caught the passenger side wing mirror on a telegraph pole a few weeks ago whilst traveling at speed (the pole is very close to the road, she insisted on showing me). The force broke the glass in the mirror, but everything else looked OK. I have brought a new mirror section, however when I went to fit the glass I noticed that the bit it clips into that moves the electric motor is slightly broken, making it impossible to site the glass.

My question is, does this mean a complete new wing mirror or can the internal section be replaced? If so what on earth is it called?

Thanks in advance
Hi, i am new to this forum, so hope that I am not repeating any already posted questions. My wife caught the passenger side wing mirror on a telegraph pole a few weeks ago whilst traveling at speed (the pole is very close to the road, she insisted on showing me). The force broke the glass in the mirror, but everything else looked OK. I have brought a new mirror section, however when I went to fit the glass I noticed that the bit it clips into that moves the electric motor is slightly broken, making it impossible to site the glass.

My question is, does this mean a complete new wing mirror or can the internal section be replaced? If so what on earth is it called?

Thanks in advance

If it's this bit you mean, it's easily and cheaply replaced -



Definiteley the bit that Paul has replied with.

Before you buy anything though, also check the white coloured drive racks on the mirror motor. When I bashed my mirror the bobble on the end of one of these had cracked. It then broke off.

It meant I had to get a replacement mirror unit. Despite info' about being able to change the motor, it's a lot easier to replace the whole lot with a s/h one.

One thing that will happen though is, you will break the plastic clip that holds the triangular bolt cover on the inside of the door when you remove it. Another quality LR idea..............

Thanks Paul and Dave for your replies. I have the mirror clip, but its the bit that the mirror clip clips onto that is cracked and prevents the mirror sitting properly. Is this what you are calling the 'drive racks' Davee? If so then I guess it's a s/h mirror that's needed.

Thanks again

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