
I seem to have an issue with the discovery wing detatched itself from the mounts and cant seem to figure out how to remount.

Where the wing joins to the car behind the door seem to be a bracket where the wing slots into. mine unslotted itself. I took the wing off and tried to tap it back in but when i tap in the bottom the top seems to unslot itself.

Anyone got any ideas? the wing does not look damaged nor does the braket itself so i cant figure it out.
The wing bolts onto the body via a bracket with m6 bolts behind the door, the wing detatches itself from the bracket, best way is wing off and bracket off and have a good look, i ended up pop riviting mine together as the wings popped out every time i went through a puddle!
i took the wing off las night, pop rivets look like my option at the mintue as the bloody think will not stay on lol.
Yep they do that

Another is to hammer the wing return back down tight over the bracket

Was like exploding wings when I first started wading :p

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