
Active Member
So with the lovely downpour that cleared up the snow this weekend, I had to use my wipers on FULL for I think the first time. Anyway, they won't stop now when I set them to the off setting, they keep periodically/randomly wiping. Is it a case of changing the switch/lever itself or is there a fix?
Is it the intermitant setting thet they have reverted to because if so that is probably a relay or switch fault.
Is it the intermitant setting thet they have reverted to because if so that is probably a relay or switch fault.

No, sometimes I think they aren't gonna do it and then they surprise me by wiping 3 or 4 times in a row in quick succession. Its a 200tdi by the way :)
Replace the relay ( red one) , its only a fiver, it solved same problem on mine but only after I had replaced the wiper motor and stalk switch - should have tried the cheapest fix first.

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