
New Member
Hi All,

Can someone possibly shed some light on a frustrating problem replacement windscreens? A few weeks back thanks to some poor driving by someone in front of me, a stone threw upwards and smashed my windscreen. Since then the supplier (a large national well recognised company) replaced the old one with a brand new screen. All went fine until I needed to drive on the motorway and then between speeds of 70/80mph I got this horrible whine which I realised was an air pocket somewhere to the top of the screen via the mirror! Not happy.

Calling the company to then explain the fault, they then sent out another guy who replaced the clips as apparently sometimes they said this could be the problem. To me I thought it was a way they could potentially save not going to the cost of a new screen and surprise surprise the noise was still the same.

So last Wednesday a new screen was fitted for the second time and now the whining starts at 50/60 mph and it is even worse! Third NEW screen is going in on Tuesday this week.

My problem though is surely there can't be an issue with these screens on such a level of incovenience I have had - or can there?? I can't fault the service of the company concerned but how can it be so hard not to get such a simple repair right.

Has anyone else experienced issues like this? Manufacturing fault in screen design maybe?

All thoughts/opinion welcome as I'm getting rather fed up now and all I want is my quiet double glazed ride back! :director:

Thank you
Unfortunately the boys who fit these screens are either paid minimum wage with poor training or they have a quota of fittings in a week and rush to get them fire a letter off to HQ..not Pilkington is it?
Most probably the top screen trim, I had the same on my P38 (assuming the L322 has a screen trim around the glass). Mine would whistle at 70MPH. Autoglass were booked for a replacement screen (due to a crack, not just the wind noise) and they automatically supplied new trims and clips as they knew removing the trim would bend it and posibly cause wind noise, as had probably occured with mine with a prior owner. New screen and trim, no more noise.
As an ex windscreen fitter. I would always need two fitters as both the vehicle and glass is to big to fit on your own. It might be better to get the job completed in the screen companies base. The noise you are getting is due to gaps in the adhesive bonding the screen in.
Most of these jobs are better with 2 men but to many many managers think the lil budy systems is the way forward some jobs yes others no. there is a lot of misshaped glass coming though at the moment a lot of fitters will know which glass i am on about.
Thanks guys. Two fitters came out and in light of tomorrows third fitting, will keep an eye on new trim/adhesive scenario. Will let you know how it goes.......

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