
New Member
Hi all

Ive taken the screen out, rubber was so perished I didnt need tools. Got a genunine LR rubber and followed all the instructions I can find, string, lube, etc. But i still cant get it back in. its about 3mm out on the bottom edge, but tight as a tight thing. I can get the rubber round the screen, or roud the frame just not both at the same time.
Anyone got any suggestions - I cant get it to anyone to fix it so its a call out so not cheap

Maybe the frame has sagged, are you putting the bottom in first or the top?

Not that I'm an expert, just got to do the same job sooner or later:)
If you PM me your number I'll talk you through it, it works a treat. Somebody showed me after I struggled for hours!
If you PM me your number I'll talk you through it, it works a treat. Somebody showed me after I struggled for hours!

That's very kind of you owain110, thanks. I'm sure I'll figure it out, but if I don't, may I keep your offer as my last resort? :cool: :D

and here's how

Get the seal warm and flexible, I just popped it inside over night and picked a warm day. Fit the rubber to the screen, with the join at bottom centre. It'll pop out every two seconds so a bit of gaffa tape holds in in place, once you get to the last bit its under a bit of tension so doesnt slip as much once your there. (If you use warm water its like eel wrestling to do it, and the tape doesnt hold, warm and dry is the secret)

Fit a length of strong cord into the slot thats going to sit on the metal frame - I used one lengths of builders laying out line thats more than twice the length you need and twisted them together (just stick the ends of each in the cordless drill and loop the middle round a nail or something and keep a bit of tension on a it winds up). Start top center so you finish bottom center with enough cord to get a decent hold on.

Clean and dry the frame, remove all the ****e, rough edges, flakey paint etc, tidy up or re-paint if you want.

Now lube the rubber and frame. Some say dont use washing up liquid - contains salts that eat the metal frame, or WD40 as that eats the rubber. I used GT85 because I've got some and its what was suggested by an MGB owner friend (same problem on them) but I guess anything, even water might do. but be generous with it even if it means a bit more cleaning up later.

Pop the glass and rubber into the frame, concentrating on the bottom edge to start with to make sure the bottom outside edge is sitting flat on the frame in its finished position.

From inside pull one side of the cord, which should be at the bottom and clear of the frame, at right angles to the glass and slighty upwards. You should see the lip slip over the frame and into place. Keep and eye on the other end, if theres plenty of lube it may start getting pulled into the rubber, if it does get an assistant or tie it to something. Dont pull to much, about 1/4 of the way along the bottom, then change cord and pull some the other way till about 1/2 the bottom is in. From outside slap, with a flat hand the glass to settle it down.

Keep going with a short lenght alternating from each side, keep an eye to make sure the rubber is moving and your not cutting into it with the cord.

The corners take a bit of effort and some plastic bicycle tyre levers help, but the string and a slapping from out side should do the trick.

You'll end up at the middle of the top for the last bit and you just need to keep hold of both ends of the string or they'll disappear.

Mine seemed really loose when I'd finished but a couple of hours later when the rubber had settled back its rock solid. All in all it took less than an hour, but then I had spent all last weekend swearing at it. The mistake I made was not enough lube the first time.

Hope that helps

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