wheres co.durham???

google thinks its upper wensleydale?????????????????

im no where near wensleydale,i am 7 mile south of durham next to the A1,and less of the inbred crap,:(as i spend most of my time in and around sheffield,doncaster and barnsley and i could say something about that area but im not:p
im no where near wensleydale,i am 7 mile south of durham next to the A1,and less of the inbred crap,:(as i spend most of my time in and around sheffield,doncaster and barnsley and i could say something about that area but im not:p

Feckin inbreed liveing there deffo dude.....:p:p
Ha i managed to do mine it does take practace an a bit of nack. I first tried i on my old 190 Merc an fu*ked it up royally. These cars are not nice to do you have to take out the back quarter glass an pretty much all the trim to get it done well.

on my back window theres a tiny bubble an it messes with my head evey time i lookin the rear mirror, taunting me!! fu*ker of a job.

or jus pay someone about £200 quid to do it.

Good luck
I did my classic in about an hour. Looked ok until i started carrying things in there. Now got chunks missing out of it lol.

the trick is to get the glass perfectly clean. (not just a quick wipe over with a cloth and cleaner) gently scrape the whole window with a very sharp blade (stanley blades are good, old style twin edge razor blades are ideal).

Then clean using a very good quality cleaner. Not polish type but spray. Autoglym fast glass for example.

Make sure that your working area is completely free from debris and dust. And animals.

Make sure there is no wind if working outside. If inside make sure all doors and windows are shut.

Keeps other people away from area.

Never use stockinette cloth or dusters to clean with. As this leave particles on the glass.

Use tons of soapey water. washing up liquid and water work very well. Dish washer clean agent and water are even better.

When applying film make sure that you have someone to help out, but make sure that they arent wearing any woolen jumpers etc.

Also push water from middle outwards. Using a good quality squigy (no I cant spell it)

make sure the tint has full set before opening windows. ( i usually leave a slight gap around the edge of opening windows to allow for the rubbers.

Above all, patience is a must. Never rush the job.
well ive been quoted a very good price to have mine done by someone, cant say as there good friends of mine, but the company them selfs are very good, they take out all the door glass to do them and the trims for any other windows, lifetime guarrantee as well. they are called the tint shop based up in driffield or northampton, sorry im not plugging just offering advice on a good company
Q. for those of you who did your own, how d'ya handle the band of little raised dots at the edges? :confused:
If you can afford ir, getting it done professionally is always best as they have proper workshops set up for it.
its not an easy thing to do, as said i'd rather boil my head than tackle this job!! i'd go get it done pro. i have managed to get it booked in at 150 quid!!

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