
My four electric window switches are getting very hot. Disco 1, 300tdi, 1998.
I've checked the fuses and both (front and rear) are 30 amps - as per the Users Manual.
I know there is a bulb within each which may get warm but the switches are hot (very hot).
Any ideas?
My four electric window switches are getting very hot. Disco 1, 300tdi, 1998.
I've checked the fuses and both (front and rear) are 30 amps - as per the Users Manual.
I know there is a bulb within each which may get warm but the switches are hot (very hot).
Any ideas?
Funny you have posted that, i noticed the same thing with my D1 on the way home from
Scotland to North Wales last Sunday.
I was thinking it might be the heat coming up from the transmission, she was working hard
towing a sanky full over the top with gear, 4 mountain bikes on the back door, 2 16ft canoes
on the top, and all the back of the Disco to the front seats and the roof packed with gear.
Lets see if any one else has the same thing.
It's only the switches that are hot, not the plastic panel or the cubby box etc. I'm surprised that both circuits are behaving the same way.
The window switches shouldn’t have any heat and be the same temp as the other switches in that panel, for the matter like any other switch in the vehicle. An iffy electrical connection giving a high resistance will cause heat,
So why not check the switch and the switch wire/connections, do it ASAP, if not have a fire extinguisher handy and better still, isolate the circuit.
I removed the fuses (thinking this would isolate the switches) but they remain backlit and still get hot. The windows obviously don’t function with the fuses removed. Perhaps the internal light circuit is the culprit...
The bulbs are the very low wattage micro style bulbs with their own holder, so very doubtful they are causing excessive heat.
Aren’t the bulbs only illuminated when the sidelights etc are on? that shows you how much I’ve looked a my switches.
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Discool, yes same here, only backlit with lights on....I always drive with my lights on.
As a test, I've been just been out (lights off) and cold switches!!!
I have plenty of aux lights wired up to high beam, if anyone thinks that’s related.
I've never noticed either of our D1's getting hot window switches .... as Discool says, they are illuminated by micro bulbs which have a very low wattage.

Have you checked your earth straps recently ? Seriously.

What's your alternator output voltage ?

Clearly, something is out of wack .... and I'd suggest urgent attention to making sure all the earth return paths are present and correct - there is a known issue with D1's where the (engine and transmission) earth straps fail, and the handbrake cable becomes the ONLY earth return for the engine assembly ( including the alternator ) - Fire is the certain result - BUT the other problem is that the handbrake cable softens and can fail .... you can guess that this has the potential to end quite badly ...
Battery is at 12.2 volts, slightly low, on a trickle charge now. Alternator output voltage is 14.8volts, appears fine. Earth straps look fine but I haven’t removed, cleaned and replaced yet. Going to pop down to my local auto electrical shop tomorrow and get them to give it a once over. I’ll post the result, cheers for the help so far.

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