
Active Member
I have done a search but no luck.
I need to replace the window seals on the front doors of a 90 pick-up.

The existing doors are shot so I have won some on ebay with the later push button handles but I need to replace the mid level finishers and the seals that the glass run in on both doors.

Is there somewhere I can buy a long length of this extruded section and replace? Or is there a better alternative?

My LR dealer printed me out a quote - £164! :eek:

So I need to find alternative options. The glass is 4mm thick btw.

Any suggestions?
Are you talking about the channel that the window runs in?

You can buy them all on-line. I recently bought all new channels for my OS door after rebuilding it.
Helloooo? Is anyone out there? If there is, could you please tell me the best place to go for door & window seals? Thanks.
Bought mine from paddock. Some arrived in genuine packaging, some arrived in blue wrap. Finished fitting it all today and seems ok. Don't like the new style outer waist seals, but fingers crossed they might keep some water out.

Which bits do you need? To do the compete set there are a lot of pieces, trim, channels, seals, finishes etc...
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Thanks for your reply.

I need the window channel (U section) for 4mm glass all the way around on both doors plus the waist line finishing strips (inner & outer). Both doors.

I am trying to find a supplier of the U section that could do me a complete length for me to cut to size but no joy as yet.

Every where I look these things are crazy expensive!
Actually I bought mine from island 4x4 and the prices seemed quite fair. Mine was all for 5mm glass tho.

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