
New Member
Hello to all,

Wondered if any one has encounted this problem. Window regulator u/s, have replaced with a new one but when raising, window and regulator part company this happens during the last three inches of lift. I have ordered a new glass guide although old one seems ok. New to disco’s and never seen a set-up where window just sits on top of regulator and not fastened to it. Any help/info will be much appreciated.
Hello tractor... I've been fannying around with the front drivers side regulator on my 97 tdi and it is physically attached. There are two keyhole slots on the top of the regulator, these locate over two 8mm bolts on the fitting at the bottom of the glass. There is also a nylon guide that is held on the reg' with a phillips screw.
A bit hard to explain without pic's, but hope its of some help.
Many thanks disco bill, your discription has solved my problem. there are no brackets on my glass lift channel (must have rusted off). I had asked at dealers how regulator fixed to glass and was told it just sits on top!!! again many thanks I can now order correct parts.

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