Not a dickie bird

Got to love someone who asks for help then dosent keep anyone in the loop. :rolleyes:

Come on people this is a FREE service offered by a few to help many and people just seem to think its ok to dick them around. Either you want help or you don't!

Sorry Goz, not looking just at you but how many others have just waltzed off into the sunset with not a thanks or anything.

Maybe we need to be more selective on who is helped?
Just like the taxi #### I pulled out the floods, please help me he says with his car full of schoolkids, got soaked to my balls hooking him up, and after the twunt just sat in his motor on the phone and never even aknowleged me, if it wasent for the kids I would have pushed the twunt back in:mad2:
Got to love someone who asks for help then dosent keep anyone in the loop. :rolleyes:

Come on people this is a FREE service offered by a few to help many and people just seem to think its ok to dick them around. Either you want help or you don't!

Sorry Goz, not looking just at you but how many others have just waltzed off into the sunset with not a thanks or anything.

Maybe we need to be more selective on who is helped?

He'd better pucker up next time I see him cause he owes me a missed pervy chat session with me g/f :p
Just like the taxi #### I pulled out the floods, please help me he says with his car full of schoolkids, got soaked to my balls hooking him up, and after the twunt just sat in his motor on the phone and never even aknowleged me, if it wasent for the kids I would have pushed the twunt back in:mad2:

I'd have passed him the tow strop through the window and instructed him on what he needed to do :D

Although if he had a car full of kids why weren't they helping? I remember when i was about 12 going with my dad in the 90 to recover someone from the floods, I was the one who went for the swim then, although the lady was actually trapped in the car so didn't have much choice... and she was very wet and cold too!

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