Depends how often you anticipate using a winch really.. a Chinese copy will get you out of trouble a fair few times and is far less theft-worthy..
I wasn't there obviously.. but wouldn't it have been easier to pull that yellow Disco out backwards with a strap..?Yes this is true but I often go to a local pay and play site and says do u need a tow? Nope I've got a winch is the most common reply, 10 min later they will find me and say " can we have a tow please our winch has stopped working,"
Also the speed of an 8274 of ur the inpatient type,
This is mine winching a fellow Lz member cough cough mudmuppet out of a hole after killing his disco
Yes this is true but I often go to a local pay and play site and says do u need a tow? Nope I've got a winch is the most common reply, 10 min later they will find me and say " can we have a tow please our winch has stopped working,"
Also the speed of an 8274 of ur the inpatient type,
This is mine winching a fellow Lz member cough cough mudmuppet out of a hole after killing his disco
Personally if buy a used warn 8274 but there a bit more than that, start at around £600 upto 2.5/3k, difference been there's a reason there worth so much and it will still be worth that in 10 years time
Depends how often you anticipate using a winch really.. a Chinese copy will get you out of trouble a fair few times and is far less theft-worthy..
I'd love an 8274, but don't think I can justify even second hand prices. The trouble is the more I increase my budget the closer I am to getting the 35s I want and not getting a winch at all lol
Although I could get the 35s and get a winch with the money from selling the 33s . .
Argh. Too many wants not enough money!![]()
I'd love an 8274 too, but.... I think they are ugly looking things. I may just go down the red winch route instead. (pornagraphic warning if you click the link)
RED Winch Cobra, Low Line Winch, BOW2 Motor,
But that won't happen until I've got at least 35s and front and rear ash lockers.
So completely agree with the too many wants and not enough money bit.![]()
Now that looks nice!, but my LR cost half of that!
I wasn't there obviously.. but wouldn't it have been easier to pull that yellow Disco out backwards with a strap..?
Yes this is true but I often go to a local pay and play site and says do u need a tow? Nope I've got a winch is the most common reply, 10 min later they will find me and say " can we have a tow please our winch has stopped working,"
Also the speed of an 8274 of ur the inpatient type,
This is mine winching a fellow Lz member cough cough mudmuppet out of a hole after killing his disco
I'd love an 8274 too, but.... I think they are ugly looking things. I may just go down the red winch route instead. (pornagraphic warning if you click the link)
RED Winch Cobra, Low Line Winch, BOW2 Motor,
But that won't happen until I've got at least 35s and front and rear ash lockers.
So completely agree with the too many wants and not enough money bit.![]()
is there supposed to be a video with this post? I thought it wasn't show on me phone but can't see anything on the computer either?
Orch, you could always do what I did and wait for a knackered Warn to come up on the bay then rebuild, you get to know how to strip and clean the winch in the process. I got my XD9000i for 80 odd quid, spent 150 on parts, 50 on paint and sundries, then about another 200 on synth line n bits...