Many many thanks for Saturday night wiltshire! Your setup was fantastic, the marquee looked superb with the red and green lighting! Please email me a 728x90 banner, you get honorary forum sponsorship! roy@landyzone.
Many many thanks for Saturday night wiltshire! Your setup was fantastic, the marquee looked superb with the red and green lighting! Please email me a 728x90 banner, you get honorary forum sponsorship! roy@landyzone.

Cracking idea
Many many thanks for Saturday night wiltshire! Your setup was fantastic, the marquee looked superb with the red and green lighting! Please email me a 728x90 banner, you get honorary forum sponsorship! roy@landyzone.

Well deserved anorl :)

While we're on it a massive thanks to Listerdiesel without which the lights would've been dimmer and the sounds muted :cool:

So many put in so much to make it what it was. I'm well impressed and it'll take some topping...

But we should try :)
It's been a long day and i'm slowly getting through the posts that everyone has been making.
A big thanks to WLM for the show, it really was great. I'm still finding it hard to understand how one of the guys behind the set up was asleep.. it was banging... and he was sober...
Great thoughts with the colour scheme too. Thanks again!
Many many thanks for Saturday night wiltshire! Your setup was fantastic, the marquee looked superb with the red and green lighting! Please email me a 728x90 banner, you get honorary forum sponsorship! roy@landyzone.
awesome thankyou I will sort that out :)

It's been a long day and i'm slowly getting through the posts that everyone has been making.
A big thanks to WLM for the show, it really was great. I'm still finding it hard to understand how one of the guys behind the set up was asleep.. it was banging... and he was sober...
Great thoughts with the colour scheme too. Thanks again!
yeh that was my boy who was asleep bless him..we worked on the landrover from 8am till 1 and then drove the 3hrs to the site so he was knackerd bless him lol

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