Got hit side on this afternoon by a Kia Cee'd.

What's the likely outcome of this? In everyone's experience will this be written off (V8, LPG, ES, '52 reg)

Just wondering so I can see whether I need to start looking for a new car.

If your insured with Aviva, with a name like yours they'll do whatever you want!
Be interested to know what they give you as equivalent courtesy car mate. Few year back i had top of range v6 3.2 omega wrote off , 3rd parties insurance sent a bloody fiat seicento as equivalent,

Have been given a top of the range nissan pathfinder as a courtesy car.

His insurance company hasn't even asked where mine is yet to assess it, so they're not exactly rushing! Never mind its nice getting someone else's car muddy!
Have been given a top of the range nissan pathfinder as a courtesy car.

His insurance company hasn't even asked where mine is yet to assess it, so they're not exactly rushing! Never mind its nice getting someone else's car muddy!

gettin it muddy is ok as long as you don't have to clean it. Serviced a mates pathfinder a few months back, i thought it seemed a little stiff on suspension for a 4x4. Mind you never checked if there was any handling adjustments, etc i only popped it down road to drop it him off. nice car though.

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