Yeah, that and the soft aly body folding around you and breaking you legs and any other bits in a serious collision lol.
I know I am bumping an old thread but i have been looking into getting a different wheel for my 2A. Apparently though the boss for the older style wheels (wrap round clamp as opposed to a bolt in the middle) are no longer available. Is that me stuffed then?

I have fitted the Astra GTE drivers seat and its perfect for me, plenty of room between me and the wheel...but I am only mate is 6ft and I think he is going to struggle to use the pedals unless I fit him with an extra joint in his shins to get round the wheel!
I'm looking to replace the 15" Mountney leather wheel I've got. The spokes bent on the first day, took it back to Mountney, they replaced it foc. The replacement is just as bad, it flexes really badly, daren't put any pressure on it. Now the paint on the spokes has peeled of, where it's bent and I've had to straighten it out again.
The wheel is really nice to use, good size, but the quality of the metal is ****.
Oh dear, you havn't had much luck. I have had a Muntney steering wheel on my Astra MK2 for a good few years now, never had a problem.
i have 2a wheel in my series 3 that i'm still building up, it has the single bolt attaching it to the steering column just like the series 3 ones. i've had a mountney wheel and a rover car wheel on it which all went on no bother.

the only difference with the 2a wheel is that it has a collar on the bottom that the indicator switch wheel rolls on. i'm sure you could attach that bit to a replacement wheel no bother.
Ah right so I can jsut get the normal series boss kit and whatever wheel I go for. Bit of modification for the canceller and sorted!

Cheers :)
No, going by your earlier post, you have the earlier type wheel, it is not interchangeable with later wheels. I think you will need to change the whole box and column.
the only difference with the 2a wheel is that it has a collar on the bottom that the indicator switch wheel rolls on. i'm sure you could attach that bit to a replacement wheel no bother.

Also has a slip ring for the horn push.
Montego (and probably Maestro) steering wheels have splines that fit later IIAs and series IIIs - I fitted a Montego steering wheel to my IIA. Good luck finding any of those though.
Not unless you have a threaded stud on the end of your steering column to screw the nut on.

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