
Well-Known Member
I'm off to Wales for the weekend in a few weeks and some muppet suggested a bit of wild camping :eek: Cos obviously it's lovely and warm this time of year.
Can anyone shed some light on what the rules are regarding fires please.
I've got a steel chimnea I can take if needs be to keep it off the ground

Any advice welcome :D
Somewhere where you have the landowners permission basically, I have access to two.

Sorry I worded it badly

OK, Makes sense, thanks for the clarification.

When I think of the term "wild camping" I automatically think of just parking up on the side of the byway and making camp, it always concerns me when I hear it used and know that is how peeps are also planning to do it.

@Marmaduke As for rules regarding fires, I would say there are no rules as in Wales I believe it is considered unlawful to wild camp, unless you have as flat has, and access to wild camp in a place with permission.

I've always wildcamped at the end of a day, up n out for the start of a day and there fore don't get seen and there fore don't get moaned at. A fire would compromise that.

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