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I have an "S" reg Freelander 2 door, the windows wind up and down "sometimes" and then don't! I have checked the fuses, when i take it to a garage ..they work? when going home ..they don't...I HATE MY LANDY, if it were to struck by lightning I would throw a party! anyone any ideas where the problem can be...oh its both sides, rear window OK.:eek:
am shocked! to say the least.. you say yer have a gaylander then yer call it 'yer landy' either yer got a gaylander or yer got a landy. which is it?
They cause me to save power on the battery that's all, and there is nothing sexy about my landy only the crack along the windscreen
on my key it has LAND ROVER and the little light on the back door LAND ROVER the wife calls it GAYLANDER the kids call it THE TANK I Call it A B*****D so who cares what it is! THE WINDOWS STILL DON'T WORK!!!!!
I have an "S" reg Freelander 2 door, the windows wind up and down "sometimes" and then don't! I have checked the fuses, when i take it to a garage ..they work? when going home ..they don't...I HATE MY LANDY, if it were to struck by lightning I would throw a party! anyone any ideas where the problem can be...oh its both sides, rear window OK.:eek:
porky sis do, ctrl alt del . . . .fink it resets the windows or summit. . . .
bin on my freelander doors again, stil no joy on getting the windows to operate cant locate any of th wiring diagram...bought a workshop disk off the net but nothing on that helps either.... I give up
pm northernislander - he is the resident expert on the infamous window problem on Hippoos.

Yo BOUGHT a disk - ffs aint yu seen the freds fur free downloads?
bin on my freelander doors again, stil no joy on getting the windows to operate cant locate any of th wiring diagram...bought a workshop disk off the net but nothing on that helps either.... I give up
Gra, you get any noise or owt? probs the old favourite fooked wire jobby.Do a search on here, the regulator is about a ton from stealers, bout £70 on't ebay, bout £2 for a bmx gear cable from halfords anda bitta do-it-yersen..:p
no noise or nuffink! this is on both sides, like there is no power to the switches... so it could be power supply to the switches from the relay or something!

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