
Well-Known Member
im i on my own or are the theving bas@@rds only makeing there name worse by torching cars?
i mean if its not bad enough nicking somone pride and joy but then destroying it! why??? im not condoning theft, (id still love to string them up by the balls and beat the crap out of them with a red hot poker) but why cant they just leave it somewere then the owner would get it back

im feeling down at the moment because my house got done over the other day can the theaving bas@@rds took my spare key and used my beloved p38 as a get away car
it was found half a mile away on fire less than 20 mins from when it was taken.
they must have driven it straight there:(
well ive one last thing to say
YOU WERE SEEN pulling out of the street and when i catch you :violent::violent::violent::violent:
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im i on my own or are the theving bas@@rds only makeing there name worse by torching cars?
i mean if its not bad enough nicking somone pride and joy but then destroying it! why??? im not condoning theft, (id still love to string them up by the balls and beat the crap out of them with a red hot poker) but why cant they just leave it somewere then the owner would get it back

im feeling down at the moment because my house got done over the other day can the theaving bas@@rds took my spare key and used my beloved p38 as a get away car
it was found half a mile away on fire less than 20 mins from when it was taken.
they must have driven it straight there
well ive one last thing to say
YOU WERE SEEN pull out of the street and when i catch you :violent::violent::violent::violent:

It's sad: Just a thought a fee years ago here in the us. A group of tree huggers were steeling and setting fire to what they called gas hogs. the big suv's would be like your defenders. all in the name of oil conservation. Just maybe such a group is in your country and lr's are there target'
no they used it to carry the tv but im not bothered about that i wanted i bigger one anyway
they could have just walked down the street with it and no one would bat an eye lid (its that kind of estate) but every one on the estate knows my car (its the only range rover)
im i on my own or are the theving bas@@rds only makeing there name worse by torching cars?
i mean if its not bad enough nicking somone pride and joy but then destroying it! why??? im not condoning theft, (id still love to string them up by the balls and beat the crap out of them with a red hot poker) but why cant they just leave it somewere then the owner would get it back

im feeling down at the moment because my house got done over the other day can the theaving bas@@rds took my spare key and used my beloved p38 as a get away car
it was found half a mile away on fire less than 20 mins from when it was taken.
they must have driven it straight there:(
well ive one last thing to say
YOU WERE SEEN pulling out of the street and when i catch you :violent::violent::violent::violent:

The whole reason that it would've been torched is because, as you have already said, you want to catch those responsible for taking it. Burning it out gets rid of any fingerprints, dna etc and therefore lessens the risk of them getting caught.
my mums house got done over last month and the thieving bastards took the keys and used a nice Lexus as a get away car,

cars been found but they now have no keys for it and could cost around £3000 to sort out new keys and reprogram the computer system. +any other damage !!

insurance have not said if they will pay out and car is sat in storage for 2 week now...

so you have got to ask yourself..... do you want it back if its been stolen ???
my mums house got done over last month and the thieving bastards took the keys and used a nice Lexus as a get away car,

cars been found but they now have no keys for it and could cost around £3000 to sort out new keys and reprogram the computer system. +any other damage !!

insurance have not said if they will pay out and car is sat in storage for 2 week now...

so you have got to ask yourself..... do you want it back if its been stolen ???

True I've been waiting a week now for the insurance to get round to looking at it
wouldn't mind so much but they wont give me a courtesy car until they've decided if its a Wright off or not
ITS BEEN BURNT OUT!!! what's to decide??
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True I've been waiting a week now for the insurance to get round to looking at it
wouldn't mind so much but they wont give me a courtesy car until they've decided if its a Wright off or not
ITS BEEN BURNT OUT!!! what's to decide??

It took me summit like 3 months to get paid out for mine after some scrote tried to nick it and then set light to it.
It took me summit like 3 months to get paid out for mine after some scrote tried to nick it and then set light to it.
WHAT!! 3 months fook that
ive already got a shoping list set up for when the insurance pays out
it starts with this range rover 2.5diesel on eBay (end time 24-May-11 17:03:32 BST)
i figured mine was worth about £2200 put a few quid into this and could be a good motor
it dont say what year it is but it dont have a 3rd brake light and it has the orange hazard warning light so i recon its a 95-96 im still gona have a look at it though
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They enjoy making other people's lives a misery because their own existence is so awful.

Inflicting it on others somehow makes them feel less lonely.

It would be almost pitiful if it wasn't so disgusting.
got an email from the insurance yesterday
thay said it is a wright off and have offered me £1400!!!
gona phone them tomorrow and tell them to give there head a shake
ive almost spent that on her in the last 12 months i mean the tires alone cost £500 and they were only 6 months old
got an email from the insurance yesterday
thay said it is a wright off and have offered me £1400!!!
gona phone them tomorrow and tell them to give there head a shake
ive almost spent that on her in the last 12 months i mean the tires alone cost £500 and they were only 6 months old

You aren't with equity by any chance are you?

This is what I had happen to me. The months it took for me to get paid out were spent argueing to get the right price for my landy.
Well got me cheque this morrning!
£1890 not as much as I wanted but a few people said that's the best ill get
Anyway on the look out for another, playing with the idea of a early l322
Took my insurance co.(Highway) from Nov last year untill two weeks ago
to settle the claim for my 200TDI Quick to take your hard earned but
snail like to pay out:confused::doh::confused::mad2::mad2:
I had this recently with a car that got written off.

They will of said the car is worth (like you said £2200)
Minus your excess
Minus what they think that was wrong with the car (get them to prove that if the car is burnt out)
Minus the fact that the car does not have a full MOT
plus the fact insurance companies are **** bags

you end up with cock all

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