
New Member
So after going up and down with the hoist for the last two days I'm well and truly stuck.

I've had the gearbox off for repairs, 200tdi & LT77. So now I have everything lined up again it will not slot in like it's meant to. I can either get the top or bottom bolts in but it won't go any further in.

Difficult to explain so here's a picture that will hopefully tell 1000 words!


The bolts on the opposite side are flush. I've had the same thing top, bottom and side to side.

Can somebody please help me before I lose my sanity!!!!
Line up your clutch with a proper sized screwdriver handle, then line up the drive shaft as near aas possible.

Then push, pull kick seven bells of shyte out of the gearbox and you will find that it suddenly drops into place.

If you have a long piece of studding to line up a couple of the holes, that often helps as well :)

ps. it's OK to remove a couple of studs to do this ;);)
As said, use a deep reach socket or similar as an aid to ensure clutch is centred.

Try lifting the back of the engine as well, don't know why but it's always seemed to help mine slot in.

When it feels close turn gearbox output by hand back and forth to line up splines.

Truth is you can try everything under the sun for hours on end and it'll suddenly slip in virtually of it's own accord with no explaination
Have you tried turning the fly wheel with a screw driver as the splines may not be lines up.

is it the original clutch or new one could be faulty check the splines :)
assuming the clutch is done properly, you have to put it in equal else it'll bind.

it should have an equal gap all the way around, then it'll drop in.

get the engine aligned as best as you can with the crane, then get a trolley jack under the gearbox and use that to align the gearbox.

keep at it and it'll just drop it (if you aren't catch the engine on the mounts or anything daft like that.

or if you never removed the engine, stick a jack under it to help align it up.
I've usually done mine with a bit of string round my shoulders so I can jiggle it and kick it into place! ;);)
Guys, thanks for all the advice. Looks like all it needed was a good cup of tea and a fag! (Which I was having when I made the first post).

Went back outside and got my glamorous assistant to push while I waggled the crankshaft about and she slipped straight in... The gearbox, not the glamorous assistant that is!

Is a replacement gearbox on the original clutch in case you were interested as the input shafts on the old one were fubarred. Obviously didn't have my splines lined up.

There's been tantrums and tears.. Now I just need to put everything back together and hope for the best.
Guys, thanks for all the advice. Looks like all it needed was a good cup of tea and a fag! (Which I was having when I made the first post).

Went back outside and got my glamorous assistant to push while I waggled the crankshaft about and she slipped straight in... The gearbox, not the glamorous assistant that is!

Is a replacement gearbox on the original clutch in case you were interested as the input shafts on the old one were fubarred. Obviously didn't have my splines lined up.

There's been tantrums and tears.. Now I just need to put everything back together and hope for the best.

:nopics::D but glad you got it sorted
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Currently a large pile of bolts that I don't know where they go, propshaft that need rebuilt and tools that need cleaned.

Will get some for you soon though :D

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