G'day Deano,

You can have diesel for practicalities - I'll grant you that.

Usain Bolt needs to cool down after a 100m's - I rather be him than one of those long distance runners
I'm not sure that Kylie can cook - but I... - you get my point

I bet no-one has ever walked up to you in a petrol station with a big grin on their face saying - Nice engine noise mate

Diesels are good for survival - V8's are for LIVING
many times here in Australia 40 to 50 degree heat while driving down a beach and the sand is like talc
good old diesel chugs on all day long
seriously to measure a mans wealth.... ask him how many cylinders does his boat anchor have

I've gathered by now that you are not a fan of RV8's :rolleyes:
We never come close to that sort of heat in the UK so cooling down is rarely an issue for petrol motors & the term 'chugs' is a very apt description. Would I buy diesel LR? only if I wanted to plough a field mate ;)
I've gathered by now that you are not a fan of RV8's :rolleyes:
We never come close to that sort of heat in the UK so cooling down is rarely an issue for petrol motors & the term 'chugs' is a very apt description. Would I buy diesel LR? only if I wanted to plough a field mate ;)
some times you need to plough a field ..to make way for other 4wds ;)
when it comes to 4wding its not always about HP ;)

took you long enough to find out I am not a V8 lover :confused:
all my friends have them they think there hot **** ..yes they get hot when worked to hard ;)

besides all that

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G'day Deano,

You can have diesel for practicalities - I'll grant you that.

Usain Bolt needs to cool down after a 100m's - I rather be him than one of those long distance runners
I'm not sure that Kylie can cook - but I... - you get my point

I bet no-one has ever walked up to you in a petrol station with a big grin on their face saying - Nice engine noise mate

Diesels are good for survival - V8's are for LIVING

all depends ....are you planning on cooling off every 100 metres while sprinting down the road .....or towing a heavy load in 40 degree heat for 8 to 12 hours while going onto a camping trip is it a race ?

as for the petrol station comment i can relate ....been there did that with a friend trying to pick up the girl behind the check out counter while paying for fuel ,,he leans on the counter with one arm and winks his eye to her he then says I have a V8
i actually felt more embarrassed knowing him there and then .... but she had the biggest come back ever

obviously this must of happened before ,,but she LOL ........ yes i know i see you here ever 2 days filling your 95 litre fuel tank ..the come back was priceless and my friend walked away in shame

so as for the engine noise walking into a petrol station ..that's all a V8 is good for sound comments

supposed this was before your era
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all depends ....are you planning on cooling off every 100 metres while sprinting down the road .....or towing a heavy load in 40 degree heat for 8 to 12 hours while going onto a camping trip is it a race ?

as for the petrol station comment i can relate ....been there did that with a friend trying to pick up the girl behind the check out counter while paying for fuel ,,he leans on the counter with one arm and winks his eye to her he then says I have a V8
i actually felt more embarrassed knowing him there and then .... but she had the biggest come back ever

obviously this must of happened before ,,but she LOL ........ yes i know i see you here ever 2 days filling your 95 litre fuel tank ..the come back was priceless and my friend walked away in shame

so as for the engine noise walking into a petrol station ..that's all a V8 is good for sound comments

supposed this was before your era

Well ozzyboy, maybe the checkout girl was a screaming liberal progressive with a man-hate complex. My local Shell-girl ooozes over mine, a disco1v8lpg not a RCC granted, but a greaAAT V8 (one box) which she literally drools over. Last Sunday, and I KID YOU NOT, she asked me if she could take a photo of it, which she then did. She loves the sound like she does the whole shebang. She drives a Suzuki (whatever) and I guess just has ambitions one day...

As for running hot... well that`s what I found until I sorted the cooling system out. And I did a lot of work on it. I can sit in traffic on a very hot summers day (we do get some still, you know) as I did last year on the motorway not moving. You can switch the ignition off of course, one does occasionally, but now there is simply no need on `cooling worry` front; she will sit there all day idling in hot weather and NOT just not over heat, but the needle stays below centre (and yes, the temp gauge works). When working it uphill off-road in low gears, sure the oil will get hot (that`s why I have a mechanical oil gauge and `magic additive` in the oil too), its the same, the needle is just where you want it. So its really just an old wives tale IMHO... once things are sorted, of course. Point taken about the towing tho`, can`t argue there, especially where torque is concerned too.

Shell-girl tells me about her boyfriend, who she appears not to be too pleased with; I guess he drives a diesel. Girls don`t care about the `economy` or `the fake global warming effects` in boys cars, they just want a good time. And towing caravans is not a girls idea of a `good time`.

Just sayin`..
Well I can understand the climate thing in terms of towing, but judging by the v8 supercars, there must be solutions out there.
Frankly I find both sides of the argument a bit silly.

4 pot compression engine vs 1950s 2 valve single cam v8. Both pretty underwhelming.

But I would still recommend to the OP, his stage1 will have more value with an rv8 now and more so in the future as long as the rest of the vehicle is good enough.
Original numbers can't be had so high comp 3.5.
Well I can understand the climate thing in terms of towing, but judging by the v8 supercars, there must be solutions out there.

Concur. But in LandyD1/OldVehicleV8Land, apart from having a properly sealed cooling system that is clean with a good radiator and with some kind of fan, the only other option is pressure and temp reduction using the special lower temp lower expansion coolant...which costs small fortune.

But as mentioned above, using standard pink OAT, my system is clean and can sit idling forevermore whatever the weather in England at least and without problems.

As to the OP and the engine choice, as we all know, all depends on the available funds really, but yes, if available I`d go as you say, stick to original if the vehicle is worth it. And if it isn`t, dirty diesel is fine I suppose :rolleyes: ... just don`t think too much about all the asthma cases you`re creating :)
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V8s are a dime a dozen here in Australia
owning a V8 is nothing new regardless if its in a disco or a clubsport while typing this at least 6 V8s have passed my house
most vehicles here suffer with hot weather not only over heating but also performance issues

turbo vehicles do suffer the most as the already boosted air creates heat into the engine ..... so larger intercoolers is a must even for a stock engine (diesel or petrol engine )
you cant do this to a V8 nat aspirated engine unless you have time to keep changing out the dry ice box inside the air filter BOX LOL

as for the V8 super cars ..there is lots engineering involved and millions spent
for example they have live monitoring and they can tune the car on the fly..... when things get out of hand they radio into the driver to change driving style regardless how many heat exchangers are installed
PS you don't see many V8 supercars with spotlights on the roof ...this has something to do with aerodynamics as well as power to weight ratio
Well plenty of replies Ciderman, hope at least some have been useful - any chance of some pictures of the beast in question?
Well ozzyboy, maybe the checkout girl was a screaming liberal progressive with a man-hate complex. My local Shell-girl ooozes over mine, a disco1v8lpg not a RCC granted, but a greaAAT V8 (one box) which she literally drools over. Last Sunday, and I KID YOU NOT, she asked me if she could take a photo of it, which she then did. She loves the sound like she does the whole shebang. She drives a Suzuki (whatever) and I guess just has ambitions one day...

As for running hot... well that`s what I found until I sorted the cooling system out. And I did a lot of work on it. I can sit in traffic on a very hot summers day (we do get some still, you know) as I did last year on the motorway not moving. You can switch the ignition off of course, one does occasionally, but now there is simply no need on `cooling worry` front; she will sit there all day idling in hot weather and NOT just not over heat, but the needle stays below centre (and yes, the temp gauge works). When working it uphill off-road in low gears, sure the oil will get hot (that`s why I have a mechanical oil gauge and `magic additive` in the oil too), its the same, the needle is just where you want it. So its really just an old wives tale IMHO... once things are sorted, of course. Point taken about the towing tho`, can`t argue there, especially where torque is concerned too.

Shell-girl tells me about her boyfriend, who she appears not to be too pleased with; I guess he drives a diesel. Girls don`t care about the `economy` or `the fake global warming effects` in boys cars, they just want a good time. And towing caravans is not a girls idea of a `good time`.

Just sayin`..
View attachment 116923

depending on her classiness but any disco is better than a vitara
or is she just a gold digger
PS love the GAY drink mounted on the front this says allot about a man ..gullible to small minded women comes to mind

then again the small block V8 isn't exactly a 5 or 6 litre is it

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depending on her classiness but any disco is better than a vitara
or is she just a gold digger
PS love the GAY drink mounted on the front this says allot about a man ..gullible to small minded women comes to mind

then again the small block V8 isn't exactly a 5 or 6 litre is it

I sense a bit of jealously in that reply, perfectly understandable.. You`re perhaps still struggling to get over a lot of things it seems, but you know, forgive and forget, at least pretend you do. We don`t all still think of you as criminals, you know.

And yes, its an Olde English custom, we SuperGlue a glass of Single Malt (that`s 12 year old 40% Scotch BTW) to our LR winches in England, to remind people of the drink-driving laws and responsibility to others etc... You won`t have that problem down there with gnats-fizz cr@pola Fosters, which we only use it to clean off our Wellingtons with or sluice out the drains of course. Still, better than drinking diesel I suppose (but ask permission of the householder, probably your parents before doing so, okay).

As for gold diggers, I guess you won`t be meeting any, so no worries on that score regardless of your metric capacity.

PS The video is a fake mate - we can spot `em a mile off, just as we can gobby lager louts even before they`ve had one..

I sense a bit of jealously in that reply, perfectly understandable.. You`re perhaps still struggling to get over a lot of things it seems, but you know, forgive and forget, at least pretend you do. We don`t all still think of you as criminals, you know.

And yes, its an Olde English custom, we SuperGlue a glass of Single Malt (that`s 12 year old 40% Scotch BTW) to our LR winches in England, to remind people of the drink-driving laws and responsibility to others etc... You won`t have that problem down there with gnats-fizz cr@pola Fosters, which we only use it to clean off our Wellingtons with or sluice out the drains of course. Still, better than drinking diesel I suppose (but ask permission of the householder, probably your parents before doing so, okay).

As for gold diggers, I guess you won`t be meeting any, so no worries on that score regardless of your metric capacity.

PS The video is a fake mate - we can spot `em a mile off, just as we can gobby lager louts even before they`ve had one..

allot of people forget ..I am a POM
only been in Australia the past 13 years
I sense a bit of jealously in that reply, perfectly understandable.. You`re perhaps still struggling to get over a lot of things it seems, but you know, forgive and forget, at least pretend you do. We don`t all still think of you as criminals, you know.

And yes, its an Olde English custom, we SuperGlue a glass of Single Malt (that`s 12 year old 40% Scotch BTW) to our LR winches in England, to remind people of the drink-driving laws and responsibility to others etc... You won`t have that problem down there with gnats-fizz cr@pola Fosters, which we only use it to clean off our Wellingtons with or sluice out the drains of course. Still, better than drinking diesel I suppose (but ask permission of the householder, probably your parents before doing so, okay).

As for gold diggers, I guess you won`t be meeting any, so no worries on that score regardless of your metric capacity.

PS The video is a fake mate - we can spot `em a mile off, just as we can gobby lager louts even before they`ve had one..

sense a bit of jealously ouch you got me
so jealous you have a V8 with a superglued drink to a home made winch bar that's looks shocking (just wondering is the cloth also superglued above the head light incase of a nose bleed due to hot weather
so jealous you guys get away with that... here in Australia adding on some rod holders to a REAL bar is a defect notice
I may need to move back to the UK ..ohhh wait what if there is a heat wave I might drop down dead

in the pic is that a split in the weld ? top left near the winch or just bad workmanship due to hot weather
:D No, the cloth is free moving as its used to wipe off all the lipstick marks, SO embarrassing :p... but you wouldn`t know about that kind of thing I guess.

Nice to know that virtually everything in Oz gets a `Defect notice` now then, when did that start, about 13 years ago? Winch is fine, aesthetics ain`t everything you know, it does the job, its radio-remote controlled too, never let me or anyone down in all things it done.

I shouldn`t bother moving back to the UK anytime soon as you`ll only be held up with immigration & customs, diesel owners have hit the political buffers here now, even LR owners unfortunately, and once they know where you stand on that you`ll probably be barred anyway.

So, getting back to the OP, it looks like V8 has won the debate and especially on this Safari, and the sorry DIEsel (conversion) mindset will just have to accept defeat.

Now where is that OP BTW... Don`t tell me he`s emigrated to Oz looking for heretic diesel-minded companionship... Maybe your luck is in after all, Deano...

At least you`re a laugh, thanks!
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To get back on topic - The Stage One V8 with the V8 engine will be worth more, will sound better and probably be faster than a TDI - if the engine is in good condition. If you can afford the fuel costs, it will simply be a better vehicle. Sadly fuel costs made me sell mine (it was my only car at the time) and I've regretted it ever since. The power and speed are plenty for Series steering and brakes - even the Stage One uprated brakes. I passed a Range Rover at 85mph once and will never forget it! I've nothing against diesels - the TDis are great engines, but you would never accuse them of sounding nice.
To get back on topic - The Stage One V8 with the V8 engine will be worth more, will sound better and probably be faster than a TDI - if the engine is in good condition. If you can afford the fuel costs, it will simply be a better vehicle. Sadly fuel costs made me sell mine (it was my only car at the time) and I've regretted it ever since. The power and speed are plenty for Series steering and brakes - even the Stage One uprated brakes. I passed a Range Rover at 85mph once and will never forget it! I've nothing against diesels - the TDis are great engines, but you would never accuse them of sounding nice.
Norn iron, home of the Ulster fry mmmmmmmmm

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