
New Member
I've been looking on the net for instances of similar problems to try to find the reason why I go through so many stop light bulbs. In 16 months of ownership I've had to fit 5 new bulbs and now another has gone. If it was due to some kind of voltage spike or overcharging there would be other bulbs affected but it's only ever the stop lights.
Does anyone have any ideas? It's not a freelander by the way but the same theory should apply to any car.
My Vectra c was the same mate, right hand brake/side light. It had 2 on each side, after replacing it 3 times I left the ****ing thing! I never did get round to sorting it out.
Only thing I can suggest is perhaps a slightly loose connection to the bulb allowing a variation in voltage
Just had to replace my o/s sidelight bulb (again!!). Funny thing is it also blows the fuse and takes out my dash lights.....wondered wtf happened!!!

I suppose it's LR humour, instead of having a warning light on the dash telling you that a bulb has blown.....
Bulb vibration causing the element to snap when hot (on) or as said a loose connection.
i had this on my freelander 6 bulbs in 4 months when the 6th went i bought some more bulbs from another shop bought 6 while i was there still on the 1st one 2 yerars later so i just put it down to a dodgy batch of bulbs or poor quality bulbs or the fact my freelander knows i have spares lol im not paranoid honest lol
Thermal fatigue caused by rapid switching on/off due to dodgy connection? Is the bulb a tight fit in its holder and can the spring contact force be increased?
Thanks I will have a look at that Vic and if necessary I can tweak the holders to secure the bulbs a bit better.
Poor quality bulbs was one of my first thoughts too. Haven't had to change any rear bulbs in three years with mine but always had one blow on my old Rav4 - the awkward one of course. Ended up fitting the brightest most up to date LED bulb I could find at the time which was almost as bright & never needed changing again. LED units have got a lot brighter now as well but I think technically they were illegal for some reason though original LED lamp clusters used by the likes of BMW weren't. Not too sure on that ruling now, this was 5 years ago.
I had a similar spate of high level stop bulbs going, so ordered the replacement online and has been fine since, so I figured it must have been a duff batch at Halfrauds...
Thanks guys.
I've been using Bosch bulbs and they still blow.
There could be something in the shock or vibration theory because there are some pretty severe speed bumps locally, (more like driving over a 4" pipe) and being an auto you have to hold it on the brakes to be as gentle as possible over these things. I'll also pick up a couple of spares from the stealer just to see what make they use, I suspect they'll be Bosch as well though. Like freelander paul says if I carry some in the car that could be enough to stop them blowing again. :D

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