I love my Defender because -

Its a big boshing square
Goes anywhere
The sound of turbo spool
The faint sound of turbo flutter
Other Defender drivers waving and flashing lights as i drive around
Road respect/fear
The fact that everything is mechanical as ****. Pulling/pushing somthing physically opens or closes somthing. Push vent - open - air - go.

I love it, only thing i 'dont' like is the MPG but who cares!
I love my Defender because -

Its a big boshing square
Goes anywhere
The sound of turbo spool
The faint sound of turbo flutter
Other Defender drivers waving and flashing lights as i drive around
Road respect/fear
The fact that everything is mechanical as ****. Pulling/pushing somthing physically opens or closes somthing. Push vent - open - air - go.

I love it, only thing i 'dont' like is the MPG but who cares!

Agree 100% :D
Ha I wanted a landy when i was about 5 bought one when i was 19 loved it ever since.

Like others have said Great views over hedges.

The simple nature of the whole beast.

keeps you awake to drive.

stuff the crap mpg and noise its still great

the waving and land rover secret club you dont get with normal cars and people
Don't have one, but I love them. Every time I see one on the road, it makes me feel like a little kid again. They are awesome iconic, and make me feel that little bit more patriotic. I have a gap in my life waiting to be filled buy an ex military Defender. Nothing makes me feel so much like a kid again than seeing military Defenders. I love the way my daughter lights up and gets so excited when she see them too she just loves old Land Rovers in general.

If you call our Discovery or any Land Rover a jeep, 4x4 or anything other than a Land Rover, you get a good firm telling off from her and get told IT'S A LAND ROVER.
Don't have one, but I love them. Every time I see one on the road, it makes me feel like a little kid again. They are awesome iconic, and make me feel that little bit more patriotic. I have a gap in my life waiting to be filled buy an ex military Defender. Nothing makes me feel so much like a kid again than seeing military Defenders. I love the way my daughter lights up and gets so excited when she see them too she just loves old Land Rovers in general.

If you call our Discovery or any Land Rover a jeep, 4x4 or anything other than a Land Rover, you get a good firm telling off from her and get told IT'S A LAND ROVER.

Ha ha! That reminds me of the last time I filled up the fuel and went to pay. The bloke behind the till said 'oh is it the Jeep to pay for?' I looked at him in horror and said 'JEEP???? That's not a Bluddy Jeep!!!! THAT'S A DEFENDER!!!'

He took it well and laughed and apologised. ;)
Ive been doing the exact same thing! You can xall any other 4x4 a jeep and no one cares!

Ive wanted one since i was a little kid too, well actually i wanted a Jeep Wrangler then i saw Defenders and realised they are far more awesome!

Waited till now (21) to get one so i could get the TD5 engine and not be raped on insurance!
Because mines got a dirty 3.5 litre V8 and at 19 i pay less for insurance than my mates and there ****ty 1l corsa :p
I love my Defender because you don't choose what you love ......

it's called "the egg" and when it's re-sprayed next week i'll put another picture up:D

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I love my Ex Mil 110 machine because its drop dead gorgeous, so what what if its noisy, uncomfortable, low mpg, slow to pull away when joining a major trunk road, leaks oil, smokes, embarrasses the kids when I do school drop off or pick up. Me, I’m just blind to it all.
cuz its a fender :rolleyes:

bought my first landy in 1977 (series 2a 88") since then i've had 2 non landy cars for a total of 2 years for the pair, the rest of the time its been landy's all the way .
My pick of the previous posts as to be the "Swiss Army Knife"
comparison, that sums it up absolutely perfect!
I've always had a Landrover of some description for nigh on 23
years now, only had a 3 year break whilst I dabbled in the kitcar
scene, but soon got the call of the mud again. :D
That's different to the picture the other day



1985 defender


1994 defender,


1994 defender undercoated, it will be painted in original colour to avoid any confusion...
did it not cross your mind that i may own two ?


1996 p38


1995 discovery.....

if you want to call me a liar, or a wind up merchant phone me 07709 447 942

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and before you jump to any more conclusions, none of my landrovers are for sale, and will not be for many years..... ;)
Love mine because it makes Range Rover Vogue drivers look like Chavs.

But the biggest reason I love it is that every time I drive it, whether to the tip loaded with rubble or the beach loaded with kids and dogs, it makes me smile - a lot........

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