Because I wanted power when towing and it has nothing to do with me having a small willy :5bblush5:
That's all LR had to sell in 1997 if you wanted something quiet and powerfull.

If I stay with LR my next vehicle will be a diesel V6 which is more powerfull and faster than my V8, but then I may go to Jaguar and stay with a V8.
I just love the V8, it sounds good, it can be fixed anywhere(if needed), and the smooth power delivery. In the looks department the V8 is a super model and a diesel looks like a 300 year old bum.
That's all I have been able to do with mine for 5 years :banghead:
Will fix it soon:rolleyes:

I've been fixing mine for 3 weeks, I'm gonna need to ring dvla to see if I need it Q plated as 80% of it was made in 2013 :D

I just love the V8, it sounds good, it can be fixed anywhere(if needed), and the smooth power delivery. In the looks department the V8 is a super model and a diesel looks like a 300 year old bum.

Agree V8 is just right :D
To tow this thing round the UK and Europe, it has a big diesel, but in the back of the trailer, 11hp single-cylinder Ruston & Hornsby.


We'll be on the ferry tonight, 3-day show over the Dutch Whitsun bank holiday.

Diesels are fine if they have multi-cyls. & large capacity. The old GM V8 sounded great in the Chev Blazer & pulled like a train but a mate's 300tdi Disco I drove felt & sounded like a tractor compared with my RRC. As for reliability the RV8 (especially the original 3.5) is a good lump but it needs looking after & likes a drink, so it's not the choice of people with short arms & long pockets.
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because i love the sound, turns my money into noise. never fancied a derv one dont think i will, only get a few more mpg less in a v8 and petrol/lpg is cheaper so running costs arent really that bad
Do not be mislead, guys, diesels are SO MUCH cheaper to run, like easily half the cost in fuel.

But half the cylinders :p
It all depends on what you want to do with it. Daily commute and family car then Diesel, bit of weekend fun to put a smile on your face V8 :D if you got full pockets TDV8 :cool:
It all depends on what you want to do with it. Daily commute and family car then Diesel, bit of weekend fun to put a smile on your face V8 :D if you got full pockets TDV8 :cool:

Daily driver 3.9 V8 disco. When I get it from the states! Weekend car 6.5 V8 chevelle
Because I have sooo much money :rolleyes:

Or maybe it's that soundtrack and raw power and acceleration on the steepest of hill climbs. YeHA
Do not be mislead, guys, diesels are SO MUCH cheaper to run, like easily half the cost in fuel.

Quite so, but large petrol engines are much, much cheaper to buy than diesels.

Together with the lower petrol price, and as long as you don't have to use the V8 every day or on long trips, it takes many years before the diesel "breaks-even".

"Fun for free" in those years I say.

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