I'd always wanted a landy but could never justify it. The ballasts dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer and we needed summit that could carry 4 people, the dog and the mobility scooter...... So I bought my first defender... a V8 110 CSW. It was a bit of a dog when I first got it but it cleaned up well.:cool::cool::cool:



About a year ago I developed an inexplicable fascination for them.
I've got more money than sense so I bought one. I love it but I don't know why... It's a pile of s**t really.
when i was a little kid i would knock on my best friends door and just look at his dads 90 while i waited for them to answer. Always loved the dam thing. Dad used to watch bush tucker man on delivery channel an he used to get around in one. that made me want one even more haha but when i was a kid little did i know that the 90 i used to only look at was going to be mine when i hit 28 for as little as £300...

that's right. i am one luck, scrawny fecker!
got fed up of worring about dents and scratches on a normal car, so got something that i dont have to care about, and it looks better with them
Had a Jeep cherokee which I loved but was fecking expensive to fix due to lack of a parts market. Decided a landy would be a better option so hunted one down. Was not a long decision making process and it only took 5 seconds to convince the missus too!
Short version of very long story.

My first encounter with a Landy was bouncing along down a farm track, sat on the tail gate of a series IIa 88 I could only have been about two.

Just wanted one for ever after that.

Now I got one and Arfur one lool :D :D
I did a google on the best way to use up your spare time and empty your bank account. 2nd in the list was buy a Defender ... didn't fancy number 1 which was 'take the Doris shopping' so that was how it started!
I did a google on the best way to use up your spare time and empty your bank account. 2nd in the list was buy a Defender ... didn't fancy number 1 which was 'take the Doris shopping' so that was how it started!

Close Andy, but think you'll find the quickest way to empty your bank account is to divorce afor mentioned Doris:eek:
I bought mine for three reasons;

1. I wanted to understand how a car worked and it was either build a kit car or get a fender that I could work on
2. We do alot of muddy walks as a family and I was bored of having the kids remove all the muddy kit and wiping down the dog before jumping in the car - now we just jump in
3. I wanted to mess around off road
I've worked at land rover for 20 years building defenders and had never driven one off road until last year I had a hour in a defender around land rovers jungle track. :cool:
After that I sold my car and bought my first defender. :D
1. Because my German-built car wouldn't even get up the drive if there was more than a dusting of snow
2. I like tinkering about with cars and doing my own maintenance (good job really), and you can get all the bits
3. I can get 7 people in it and still park in a normal-sized space
4. The sense of freedom you get from driving something where it doesn't matter if it gets the odd scratch... or dent (good job really)
5. Amazing off-road capability
6. They look dead cool

...other than that nothing much really
I had thought about getting one but thought they were too slow. I inherited mine. It need some work doing on it but parts are cheap and they are dead easy to work on.
I recently bought a brand new speedo. £75, fitted it in ten minutes; The same thing for my Renault three years ago cost £1600 and had to go to the main agent
Here in France your car gets dented nearly every time you go to the supermarket. With a Defender the marks don't show, I don't think cars can reach the body work of the Defender, every one gives your Truck a wide birth, No one parks near it you when you return to your truck. Speed doesn't seem to matter and less chance of getting a speeding ticket. Holds its value. Seems ageless. Mine is a working Defender everyone eyes it up which makes you feel your driving something special. Great fun in the forest and off road. Unstoppable when it snows. Went on holiday in it last year and camped in it, can carry loads of junk and mostly, it puts a smile on your face when you drive it.
What car can come close to all that. Oh, one very important point which I almost forgot to mention. Where else do you have such a large LR family who wave on the road and help out when your stuck with something.
Dam right, I currently have a que of fine FEMALE ass waiting to ride with me;)

Funny this, my wife is for want of a better word quiet ''girly girly'' loves my
defender 110 and so do her friends,she came home the other night and apparently her and her friends had, had a conversation about it,yet they think my discovery, which is red,gross.....
I don't think I have a ''que'' of ass waiting though,obviously me, rather than the 110 the problem there then :D:D
Had I bought a land cruiser or Rodeo Denver I would have been sick of getting everywhere without drama, only servicing and mot-ing it without major faults, and having either one
Looking outdated when a new model came along, so I bought another defender.

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