
New Member
As per the title, why do you think the pink tratter died - surely not enough water could of entered the engine through either the wing vent or unsealed piping?

Could have been a petrol - black smoke on entry to the flood would suggest not..?

@6 min 43 sec >> Brockenhurst floods - YouTube

They were driving through like tools - no doubt about that, but I'm still confused as to what happened to the pink one?

Far too fast, probs buggered the battery

and you can see that large amounts of are thrown up when he enters, probs hyro locked and therefore ####ed
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After sealing my own snorkel quite recently I'd be pretty confident nothing that splashed up would of been ingested - unless he had pipe work off or it is missing bits for some reason - he has got the grille missing on the wing - so maybe he's been having a fiddle!

it doesnt take much water to hydrolock an engine, i reckon he went in to quick and sucked a bit up the intake
I bet the house owner just over the ford really liked all that wash hitting their front door!!
Wouldn't be surprised if the intake piping was just hanging down inside the engine bay when the wing vent was missing.
At 6.46, it looks like there's abit of a splash sent straight at the wing vent though.

I agree though, the speed at which the wrapped 90 and Disc with the yellow wheels are going through is just plain dangerous with so many people around. Looks like a pretty big drain just to the left too so if a small kid was standing near it and knocked over with the splashes, it could cause abit of drama!

I'll admit, I've driven through floods quickly too every so often for the laugh and it's fine if your out in the middle of nowhere to go through floods like that when all you risk is damaging your landy but in the middle of a town isn't the place for it!

That flood wasn't worth all that playing anyway when it's plain to see a little Citroen can get through most of it! :rolleyes:
Need's to be at least 2-3ft to warrant a second pass in my book :D
I agree with the comments above, silly and pointless there really.

However that guy must have felt so embarrassed! PMSL!

And was that Landie pink or grey, kept changing colour on the vid!