
Active Member
If you own a defender do everything you can to keep hold of it! if you have no security on it get some! (minimum a disklok and park with wheels on full lock and a pedal lock,i use the disklok and safe t pedal lock,its awkward to store but i'd rather use it than have no landy!) otherwise it will go missing! :eek: mechanical locks are better than alarms and immobilisers due to the fact of how basic landrovers are, block it in with another vehicle! lets make it hard for the bastids!
Not just defenders, my missus had 2 guys in a big red pickup at the door 0910am today, asking if my S3 was for sale. Happened twice now. 'tis the price of scrap thats forcing the market in stolen metal.
hi guys....first time for me. Just had my Defender broken into. The immobiliser did its job and they couldn't nick it but caused about £750 worth of damage including nicking my CD player. The repairers have sorted it out but cannot get a sound out of the CD or radio. The radio tunes in and the unit accepts a cd and starts to play it (counter starts) but no sound??????
It was originally supplied with a radio/cassette but the previous owner had put in a landrover cd player. The repairers have sourced a new landrover cd player (but not the same as the old one) but we can't get a peep out of it.
Anybody got any ideas?
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If you look on ebay people will pay for parts sometimes more than they could buy new,also the fact no one takes any notice (except us lot)of what model they are compared to the year of reg.
I am worried this could spread to disco 1's in a few years time when they get a bit rarer due to so many being broken for parts and weighed in,it is getting harder now to find a good un for sale and how many millions were made.
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and theres still more going missing! seems like everytime i come on here another has been added! :eek: get securing them people!:doh:
still more and more going missing! IF YOU HAVE A DEFENDER BUY SOME SECURITY AND BE PARANOID ABOUT LEAVING IT ANYWERE! i bet most of the land rovers reported as stolen on here had little if any security. :rolleyes:
influx of eastern europeans with means to transport them and parts back to their own country where they are worth a fortune. maybe just a coincidence.
still more and more going missing! IF YOU HAVE A DEFENDER BUY SOME SECURITY AND BE PARANOID ABOUT LEAVING IT ANYWERE! i bet most of the land rovers reported as stolen on here had little if any security. :rolleyes:
We have a '57 plate 90 Station Wagon at work, that is due for replacement, the boss, knowing I am a Land Rover nut, offered it to me in place of my company car if I was interested....

I had to turn it down, as since my '93 Range Rover Classic was stolen in the middle of the night in Jan 2011, and how easily stolen the Defenders are unless you lock it up like Fort Knox, I would have too many sleepless nights worrying about it.....

As 8K says.....secure it the best way you can....
I have a defender 90 TD5 1999 and I have a steering lock, CAT2 Imob, skytag tracker, park my van accross it to block it in and I am a shotgun owner.....come try if you dare lol.... and I bet someone will before time.... I just wish scumbags would leave us hard working people alone!!!!
They're mainly stealing them to ship abroad to the likes of India etc. As they are relatively easy to work on, have been going for years so plentiful spares market, even old ones are wanted over there.
i know why they are going misssing,because of there value,there easy to take apart and easy to change there identity,what i was asking by saying why are they still going missing is, why are people not adequatly securing there land rovers against being stolen?? minimum,disc lock pedal lock and blocked in on a drive,mine also has an alarm,tracking device and i have a rottweiler! and im still paranoid! :eek:
Has anyone got any data on what the predominant age/Reg range of the stolen defenders is? I had a 1988 defender that had no security to speak of but my current 2002 defender 90 has a LR factory fitted Thatcham allarm and imobiliser. Surely that must deter some thieves?

Any thoughts?
Had my 200tdi nicked 9 months ago,, coppers told me it had been nicked to order, never heard anything of it again ,,,,,, best security is buy a P38 no bugger wants them
C & H

glad I've got a P38 then. Seriously tho' a M8 of mine does have a 2006 defender and even though it's got the LR alarm & immobiliser & he's fitted a box that goes over the pedals he still thinks it's only a matter of time before someone chances their arm.

If he wasn't such a defender nut (he won't have anything else) he would come up to a disco or rangie

I understand why they are so nickable but in this day & age there must be more that the manufacturer can do - maybe the replacement DC100 with all it's plastic bits & that it looks 'orrible will be a safer bet
i know why they are going misssing,because of there value,there easy to take apart and easy to change there identity,what i was asking by saying why are they still going missing is, why are people not adequatly securing there land rovers against being stolen?? minimum,disc lock pedal lock and blocked in on a drive,mine also has an alarm,tracking device and i have a rottweiler! and im still paranoid! :eek:
There is an inevitable element of "It will not happen to me..." once someone who has not had a vehicle stolen in the past fits a few safety or anti theft measures they may sometimes feel adequately reassured.

I have found that some people will spend thousands on their landy... then spend thousands more tricking it up... then balk at spending a couple of hundred quid on anti theft measures.

Doesn't apply to everyone but the mentality is certainly there to some extent.

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