I am slowly coming out of my shell but don't feel that I am quite ready to express myself fully.. :rolleyes: However I am hoping that with the support of the people on Here, that I will be able to achieve my full potential and be able to fully express myself before too long..:D:D

Cnut ...

tell me if im wrong but as the fourtrak is lighter and still 3.5 tons it can pull more wieght im not dissing the disco altogether just saying i have found them to have a lot of problems but as you seam intent on shuning anything of a non l/r badge then ill leave it thier
tell me if im wrong but as the fourtrak is lighter and still 3.5 tons it can pull more wieght im not dissing the disco altogether just saying i have found them to have a lot of problems but as you seam intent on shuning anything of a non l/r badge then ill leave it thier

how can it pull more weight if both of them can pull 3.5 tonnes? 3.5 tonnes is 3.5 tonnes whatever is pulling it?? And this is a LR forum would you go on a di****su forum and recommend a LR to them??
true but they leave big piles of sxxt in ya drive and eat the old girls flowers

They may **** all over the place but at least it can be used to grow new plants lol. Besides, I have a BMW 325i on my drive, I'd rather have a big pile of horse **** there!

I'd hedge my bets they'll outwade most 4x4's and as for their off road capabilities...
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ere the buggers legged it again Where's granpa LZ Looks like it's gonna be a shotgun wedding after all. :)
:rolleyes: you have i'd say

For fu.... christs sake, not like I said it was better than a Fourtrak or a chuffin' Disco lol.(Must go and check the train weight for it) I readily admit my drive looks like a knackers yard. Now, where was I?... Oh yeah, sorry, it is blue and red, owing to the **** loads of rust all over it. There is a nasty rainbow appearance under it owing to all the oil leaks and four mossy patches where the wheels stand as the heap of **** never fookin' starts. Might aswell have a landy there eh? TUT!

Now, where is my stella and where are my toys that were in my bloody pram?

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