The Mad Hat Man said:
Wrong agin Minge - it aint HG (I think) its Thermostat pipes - just i gonna pay for engine out to check HG's - I think thats worth moanin abart .

WOT!:eek: :confused: So yer hg aint bust? but you took the lump out to make sure they wernt????????

Now thats summat I wouldnt admit too, :D

Sssh! keep it quiet, maybe nobody noticed:rolleyes: :p :D
i wanna cry.......
one LR garage sez "exhaust gases in coolant"
unuvver garage says "no - its just air"
takes engine out to change HG and finds thermo pipes leaking - now do yu..
a) fix pipes, X fingies its not HG, and replace engine (having got it out) or
b) take heads off and replace gaskets to be 100% sure - coz its gonna cost another arm and leg if the pipes dont fix it.

yuz the eggspurts - tell me wot yu wud do?
The Mad Hat Man said:
- tell me wot yu wud do?

1st. Id pressure test the cooling system
2nd compression test the cylinders

Not much use to you now i know!:rolleyes:

3rd Go back to the **** at the LR garage, ask him if he can put down in writing that the HG has gone,( cos you need proof on paper for a warranty claim)
When you get it!!!!!
Smack the cu#t right between the eyes and demand some compo!;)
and call him a **** again,j ust for good measure;)
the coolin system was pressure tested and sniffer!? tested. not sure abart compression - but is that easy on the V6 with engine in situ?

agree entirely with rest of yo comment - unfortunately warranty is (it appears) load of crap -so I am ending up forkin out for it all.
(and yu wunder y i is moaning?)

i fink this is in thw wong thread! :)
both - coz they said "it cud be filler cap - coz they cant test that - coz thats were the pressure fingy goes"
The Mad Hat Man said:
yeah - i get that feelin too - dont make me too happy (you noticed!?)

No Seriously, I aint takin the ****,

Do summat about it mate!
i know i would
go back to the first place and ask them for a written diagnosis,Thats what you paid them for!!! If they are sure that they are right then why woulnt they oblige?
The Mad Hat Man said:
mite try that one - but i think they will refuse - coz they know it mite go to litigation!

Yer! you might of left it a bit late,

Not to worry lesson learnt:rolleyes:

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