I would have voted for mine , only it was stolen last wednesday from outside my work ! It was a jap export model 1992 SE Vogue A, in Ardennes green , registered in this country in 1993. I often wondered how many jap export classics had been re-imported into this country. Anyone know ? I have also been asked how many 1993 Ardennes green , gas converted se vogues there are still on the road ! I have been on "how many left" site , but that doesn't give colour details.
wow nicked, was it for a ram raid or sale in albania etc? sorry to hear about it mate!
When they announced that a dangerous criminal had been released from a prison van by a team of masked men , a couple of days ago near us , I was expecting the newsreader to say that they made their getaway in a green Range Rover Classic !! Its been a week now since it went. I.ve just posted all the docs. and keys to the insurance company, ready for a settlement , and I pick up another Ardennes green 1992 Vogue SE Auto on gas , this saturday! eBay - The UK's Online Marketplace
I would have voted for mine , only it was stolen last wednesday from outside my work ! It was a jap export model 1992 SE Vogue A, in Ardennes green , registered in this country in 1993. I often wondered how many jap export classics had been re-imported into this country. Anyone know ? I have also been asked how many 1993 Ardennes green , gas converted se vogues there are still on the road ! I have been on "how many left" site , but that doesn't give colour details.

What an odd choice of car to steal? I mean, they're pretty cheap unless you get a minter, but then anyone buying a minter surely wouldn't want a stolen one? I guess the pikeys probably like them for towing caravans and ****.

In answer to your question, I have a 1994 Vogue SE on LPG in Ardennes Green! And in case anyone is eyeing it up, it has a Cat 1 alarm and immobiliser - so sod off! ;)
What an odd choice of car to steal? I mean, they're pretty cheap unless you get a minter, but then anyone buying a minter surely wouldn't want a stolen one? I guess the pikeys probably like them for towing caravans and ****.

In answer to your question, I have a 1994 Vogue SE on LPG in Ardennes Green! And in case anyone is eyeing it up, it has a Cat 1 alarm and immobiliser - so sod off! ;)
My '93 Classic in Westminister Grey on Gas, EAS etc was stolen in January 2011 off my drive way and was found in a stable farm up the road, hitched to a trailer filled with riding tackle, saddles and various leather goods (worth a mint in the riding world apparently!!) they got it stuck in tractor ruts and in trying to get out, spun the wheels so all that happened was the poor thing sunk in the mud up to the chassis rails, unable to get it out and to destroy fingerprints and evidence etc, torched it.....bastids....

So they are not necessarily nicked to sell on or break...often times they are nicked to carryout other crimes too..

dirty, rotten, scumbag, mofo's.....I loved that Classic an'arl...
:( Sad to hear, I never really considered them as a high theft risk like a Defender, but sounds like there is a market for them unfortunately! My only hope is if it were to happen, the old girl would realise and helpfully breakdown....
What a bummer, Bob!

My classic is one of a kind here in my neck of the woods, so hopefully that would be a disincentive to would be thieves. And if it did get pinched, I'm with Mike in my hopes that the old boy would pull one of his stunts during the getaway.

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