
Dummy Ejection Facilitator..
SNOW that is!!! and where are you.

I'm in a Hull. Not a bloody single flake of the stuff.
some bitty white stuff drifted past my shoulder at the garage this morning in bracknell,
could've been the roof falling in though.
Sunny here in the west but bloody freezin. Hoping for some white stuff monday night into tuesday, fingers crossed.
I say, Timothy! - mind you, it is a tad chilly down here in Basingstoke - nice blue skies and lots of Monkeys looking in the foliage for missing appendages.
it tried fa a bit in nottinghamshire,but the flakes wernt big enough.wi a bit of luck it'll come ova nite cos thats the best time fa it,then in the mornin i can go out playin in mi 90.
Norwich, it's just started for the second time today. First time was very light and didn't stay, this time it's a bit more persistent and is settling.
Just started in mid Cheshire, very light though. Looking forward to the big fcuk off flakes !:)
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