Bloody typical, every bugger else has got some snow and here in Powys we've got virtually FA,
well, some but still it's sposed to be snowier here than f'ing London.

Snow starting to melt now,still the wife will not drive so had to do the driving to day for her deliverys.Had to put up with 3hours of moaning as she thought i was driving like a swedish rally driver on the ice.Well i could not help the odd handbrake turn or two.
Thats not a 12" lift on a disco........your missus is lying to you........might be a 12" left on his disco
thats the snow finally arrived wi us, couple o the higher roads hae the snow gates closed, in town have 6" o the stuff, cant see me buildin the day :D.
boss says there is 8" at the yard........ bet i'll find oot shortly, the clown will probably hae us up there paintin scaffold :mad:
Got four inches, hate the stuff. Yeah its fun, yeah I COULD go skiing. But whats the use when I'm stuck here at work, having no fun, when every other business/school in the country is shut!
Just dont think its a claim to fame to shout "I got 4 inches"
Sorry - bored cus people keep getting me to pull them off their driveways n cant count how many times I put me boots on - shook em off - put them back on etc.........
Had about 4" down here, I'm not at work and bored already!!!!! I thought I'd enjoy the time off. :confused:

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