The only sad thing is you feel as a Land Rover driver you feel as though you represent the whole community, then some idiots go and create havoc like this lot did.
Seems to always be in a disco aswell, makes me slightly embaressed to have the modified disco sitting on the drive :(
Unfortunately it may have something to do with Discos being cheaper to buy than 'fenders or Series... :eek:
Well sadly that is how things are, for us buying a defender to use purely offroad is just too expensive (maybe one day :eek:). As far as I am concerned anything with the "green oval" on the front will always be a Land Rover, I will drive a Gaylander before I drive a Jeep. Now let me go back to my dream world of restoring my old series and owning a defender....
Well 'Ryan' has cleaned out all the critical posts so now it looks as though nobodu minds if they behave like a bunch of w**kers :mad:

Be a shame if it stayed that way...
Well 'Ryan' has cleaned out all the critical posts so now it looks as though nobodu minds if they behave like a bunch of w**kers :mad:

Be a shame if it stayed that way...

I have found the bloke has no sense of humour :rolleyes: :D :D :D

Apparently I'm not allowed to comment on any of his posts anymore :hysterically_laughi

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