noyt only are yer aover a day late (yella illreddy answered that bit) but yer wrong

PCD stands for Pitch Centre Diameter. It is the diameter of a circle that is used to set the wheel nuts on.
Close but no cherry :D:D
The P.C.D. can be defined as the diameter (in millimetres) of an imaginary circle drawn through the centre of the stud holes on the wheel and/or the vehicle wheel hub. ;)

Centre or circle depends how you read it :confused:
yer wrong and yer know it.

yer pitch centre is the centre of the bolt/stud holes and the dia is the dia of a circle which passes throught the centre of yer bolt/stud holes.

and if its measure in mm's only then my jag has some weird folking wheels on it as they have a pcd of 475
It int the only thing it stands fer though.

Acronym Definition
PCD Pacific Car Demurrage Bureau
PCD Pacific Communications Division
PCD Page Cache Disable
PCD Panoramic Cockpit Display
PCD Paraneoplastic Cerebellar Degeneration
PCD Participatory Community Development
PCD Partida Cristiandemocratica Dalla Svizra (Christian Democratic Party of Switzerland)
PCD Partido del Centro Democrático (México)
PCD Partnership for Child Development
PCD Party for Democratic Convergence (Cape Verde)
PCD Passive Crystal Detector
PCD Peace, Conflict and Development (program, Canada)
PCD People Centered Development
PCD People's Commissariat of Defense (Russia)
PCD Perfect Crystal Diffractometer
PCD Performance-Centered Design
PCD Personal Communication Device
PCD Personal Compact Disc
PCD Personal Computing Device
PCD Phase-Center Displacement
PCD PhotoCD (Kodak file extension)
PCD Photoconductive Device
PCD Photon Counting Detector
PCD Pitch Circle Diameter
PCD Pitched Circle Diameter

PCD Plasma-Coupled-Device
PCD Plataformas de Coleta de Dados (Portugese: Data Collection Platform, Brazil)
PCD Platform Compatibility Demonstration
PCD Platform Components Division
PCD Plutonium Concentrator Distillate
PCD Polar Cap Disturbance
PCD Pollution Control Device
PCD Polycrystalline Diamond
PCD Portable Computing Device
PCD Portal Content Directory (SAP)
PCD POSIX Conformance Document
PCD Post Chow Dip (USMC)
PCD Post-Convention Depression
PCD Postpartum Certified Doula
PCD Power Control Device
PCD Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin (Airport Code)
PCD Pre-Commissioning Detachment
PCD Precision Course Director
PCD Preconstructed Deck (tradable card games)
PCD Preliminary Conceptual Design
PCD Preliminary Coordination Draft
PCD Premature Centromere Division (aka Premature Chromatid Separation)
PCD Premature Chromatid Separation (aka Premature Centromere Division)
PCD Presidential Communication Directorate (US State Department and Russian government correspondence)
PCD Price Control Department (Vietnam)
PCD Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia
PCD Printed Circuit Design
PCD Private Client Division
PCD Probable Cause of Death
PCD Problem Categories Description
PCD Process Challenge Device
PCD Process Chemistry Development
PCD Process Control Device
PCD Process Control Documentation
PCD Procurement Code
PCD Product Concept Document
PCD Product Configuration Documentation
PCD Production Control Desk
PCD Program Change Decision/Division
PCD Program Commitment Document (NASA)
PCD Program Control Document
PCD Programmed Cell Death
PCD Project Commitment Document
PCD Project Control Document
PCD Proximity Coupling Device
PCD Pseudo-Coherent Detection
PCD Psittacine Circoviral Disease (aka Beak and Feather Disease)
PCD Publication Change Directive
PCD Pueblo Chemical Depot (Pueblo, Colorado)
PCD Pussycat Dolls (band)
It int the only thing it stands fer though.

Acronym Definition
PCD Pacific Car Demurrage Bureau
PCD Pacific Communications Division
PCD Pueblo Chemical Depot (Pueblo, Colorado)
PCD Pussycat Dolls (band)
i like the last one.To look at anyway

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