Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!


Hi all,

First Land Rover, 1986 Defender 90. Looking at a fully comp policy for myself with 3rd party cover on other vehicles ideally. I'm 26. Have no claims on another vehicle which currently running. I know some policies give a mirror discount based on this so if anyone knows of providers who offer this - happy days.

I was recommended Adrian Flux by a family member, set up the policy last week, I can only describe the experience by, Jesus wept (and I almost wept). So I'm cancelling this policy and going to go elsewhere.

Seen a few providers but wondered if anybody had any recommendations?
That's unusual for A F I was insured by them for many years and found them excellent in every way.
Guess its the old story of ringing round, go comparing etc.
I'm lucky as now officially reached old got status and pay peanuts for car insurance. When in London I drive an Audi quattro 225 which costs a tad over £200 fully comp. BUT my renewal came in at over £500 so it really pays to shop around.
Its a simple system here as you insure the cat not the person, this means anyone can drive the car fully comp as long as over twenty five. Uninsured vehicles really don't exist here.
Cost for my freelancer here is about £350 which includes free recovery.
I'm sure the knowledgeable peeps on here will give good advice.
Hi @Ryanj

If you have issues with AF, then I would suggest contacting Jordan as he is the AF Rep here on the forum. At least they will understsand the frustrations you have , even if you do move on.

Otherwise, I went to Annetts and Orchard. Who I find easy to contact and deal with.

Thanks for the tag @neilly. Jordan has spoken to me and I did thank him for trying to help.

It's been my contact with their customer services and costs coming out of nowhere which weren't explained, and then refusal to amend the costs... baffling business behaviour. But Jordan's been very helpful. It just gives me no confidence if I ever did need to make a claim.
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I'm with NFU, have been with them before, faultless, tried A Plan - nightmare, and NFU were £100 cheaper.:)

And my experience with NFU Mutual is truly appalling. I must refrain from further comment, as it is probably going to court ! IMHO, therefore, steer clear.
Lucky you in the UK. I'm here in Ireland and have just received a letter from AXA thanking me for renewing my policy with them, something I haven't yet done. The price has gone up to €726.76 fully comp with protection on no claims. Last year it was €480.00. I do approximately 4,000 km per year, live in the middle of nowhere and have been with AXA for eight years without a claim.:eek:

To date I haven't found an alternative insurance company which will cover me :confused: The defender is in very good condition and has passed its last three tests without any recommendations or failures.
NFU are good for claims might get it cheaper elsewhere but NFU me and all other farmers have mostly

IMHO & IME, this is NOT the case - YMMV, and frankly, I hope you have a better experience, should you ever have a large claim. Our experience has been, and remains, truly dreadful. IMHO, steer clear.

IMHO, Six YEARS into a ten WEEK repair is not what I would call "good".
Credit where it's due, Jordan was in touch with me regularly and came up with a resolve. Some miss-communications early on was the problem but he did a lot to help. So have to thank him for that.

I'm sure he won't thank me for saying this but any problems get in touch with him and I'm sure he can assist.
Credit where it's due, Jordan was in touch with me regularly and came up with a resolve. Some miss-communications early on was the problem but he did a lot to help. So have to thank him for that.

I'm sure he won't thank me for saying this but any problems get in touch with him and I'm sure he can assist.

Glad we managed to work through this Ryan :)

No, absolutely come to me - I'm here to help and keep you lot happy! Always on hand to help.

All the best

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