could be that until you get one you think they are pretty cool and friends and neighbours continue to be impressed. Once you've got it (v6 and diesels aside) its hard to admit a mistake, especially when others continue to think its a a decent motor. Noticed that resale prices for older models round these parts are plummeting and clearly buyers are doing their research (b*****ds) just as I was thinking about getting rid!
Like slob says!! gmp theres gunner be lots of em about CHEAP!!! SO???
More cheap bits for us lads;) :D
phone the coastguard I'm setting sail from Torquay, looks like I'l get more for it over there. Watch out for me on Sky News, first Hippo to swim the channel.
gmp said:
phone the coastguard I'm setting sail from Torquay, looks like I'l get more for it over there. Watch out for me on Sky News, first Hippo to swim the channel.

dont go in the water:D :D :D

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